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@seacatz I gotta job, customer service, and Washington, too humid. (thanks!)
@wowie I believe British TV, not sure, read about it a month or two ago.
@wowie I've read that a remake of The Prisoner is in progress, don't know if that's good or bad.
@julien51 can you email me specifics? thanks!
@Padmasree Thanks! fyi, working on what "a craigslist for service" might just really mean.
@corbett3000 Maybe i should, just ask the ED of Sunlight Foundation, board meeting coupla days.
@reyeuro People are working together to make things better in palestine, I've got a microfinance thing going on, hope to announce soon.
@wowie I forget the deal with the killer balloon on The Prisoner, read about it once. i think there's a remake in progress.
@Padmasree Hey, do you know I'm speaking at Cisco on the 12th?
Real online democracy tools for Washington DC:
imagine part 4: 2018 Israeli/Palestinian peace in ten years:
@howardowens I like seeing a little snow, only a little.
@ericschwartzman With the wind now, long johns a good idea.
@tinycomb Snow in Jersey? What exit?
@dougbuckley I was a big fan of The Prisoner back in late sixties. Never heard based on anything real, though.
Snow pretty to see; But give it an inch; It takes a foot.
Walking by NYU; Frozen water falls from the sky; What's the deal with that?
Back in the Village...
@emonome Few more days, tight schedule now. What's a "tweetup"?
@emonome Just got this, not sure what you have in mind. Prob nap now anyway...


Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Scott Beale Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Stowe Boyd Robert Scoble Steve Rhodes jimbo wales Jemima Kiss Tamar Weinberg Paul Schreiber Steve Rubel Pierre Omidyar Andy Carvin Sarah Sosiak Aaron Brazell Lockhart Steele Don MacAskill Rafe Needleman Michael Arrington Techmeme Mathew Ingram Jose A. del Moral Barce Jack Lail Pete Cashmore David Sifry David Weinberger Jeff Jarvis DB Ferguson Matt Stoller Cathy Julio Ojeda-Zapata JD Lasica Drue Kataoka