Jim Callender’s Favorites

Prycie @JimCallender is why i want to remain a prycie...
Josh Russell
joshr OH: It will fucking go live. And I will keep developing on it. Until they fire me or switch off the servers.
Stephen Fry
stephenfry I have nine macs!!!!!! I don't need another fucking mac. I just want ONE ARSING PC that isn't complete SHIT
Malarkey Not every design has to succeed. What matters is what you learn from the process. Wouldn't it be fun if all design mistakes were visible?
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman So thankful Google redesigned Gmail. A fresh color scheme greatly enhances the experience of attempted messages timing out.
Jim Callender
JimCallender Swam with wife at durdle door today.. next stop, Brighton. Should I carry Fiona over the threshold of our home?
Jim Callender
JimCallender listening to sea shantys on Scilly. Bliss
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman This interface looks like somebody ate Facebook and forgot to flush.
Prycie retweet Digital media 08 - free report! Scroll down to Media Influence During Purchase Process...
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman "No problem" is the new "fuck you."
Paul Walsh
PaulWalsh @levexis I couldn't do it to myself. I got rid of a Jaguar XK8 convertible recently. I'll wait till I can afford a real sports car thanks :)
James Wragg
jameswragg Digging the LastGraph v3 posters (again) http://lastgraph3.aeracode....
James Wragg
jameswragg @JimCallender Crystal Castles, The Whip, Wallbirds, Kid Harpoon & Soko (their 'secret' duet gig, not Soko solo) - all fantastic!
aral Making a conscious decision to choose HEO (Human Experience Optimization) over SEO (Search Engine Optimization) whenever the two clash.
James Pearce
JamesPearce "2008 will be the year when... the web community runs out of excuses for not fully embracing mobile"
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman Content precedes design. Design in the absence of content is not design, it's decoration.
premasagar I feel like a thief. Or a hunter.
Tara missrogue Hunt
missrogue Someone's Whuffie is a measurement of overall reputation + is lost and gained according 2 a person's favorable or unfavorable actions.
Robert Douglas
anucreative Heading back from Farm. Beer. Kebab. Geek conversation. What more can you ask from a Wednesday?


Evan Williams Jonathan Markwell Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Kevin Lawver Dan Cederholm Justine ribot Keith Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Hickensian Drew McLellan Ben Ward Derek Featherstone Simon Willison Tom Coates Snook Dan Rubin Paul Boag Bobbie Johnson Brian Fling Christian Heilmann Mike Butcher Mel Kirk Ryan Carson Paul Annett Brian Suda Jeff Croft Cameron Moll Malarkey Niqui Danny Hope Harry Brignull Deirdre
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