List of Special Collections
Accademia Della Crusca Collection
(1,134 titles dispersed throughout the division's collection).
Italian-language publications representing the best usage of Italian in
the humanities and sciences, 1500-1887.
African American Pamphlet Collection
(397 titles). Nineteenth-century American pamphlets (some by African
authors) relating to issues such as slavery, Reconstruction,
colonization, and emigration to Liberia.
Amateur Publications
(112 titles). Amateur publications by early twentieth-century young journalists.
American Almanac Collection
(3,896 titles). American almanacs from the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries.
American and Foreign Magazines Collection
(3,872 titles). American and European magazines from the seventeenth to
the early twentieth century.
American Guide Series
(121 titles dispersed in the division's collection). Guidebooks for each
state, including Alaska, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii, published by the
Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration, 1940-42.
American Imprints, 1640-1800
(16,990 titles). Books and pamphlets printed in the United States between 1640 and 1800.
Anarchism Collection
(341 titles). Books relating to the study of anarchy between 1850 and 1970.
Susan B. Anthony Collection
(272 titles). Personal library of Susan B. Anthony containing inscribed and autographed volumes of feminist
and anti-slavery literature.
Archive of French Publishing Prospectuses Collection
(1,000 items). Nineteenth-century prospectuses from European publishing firms
(chiefly from France and Belgium, 1830-1870).
Armed Services Editions Collection
(1,319 titles). Archival set of paperbacks published for the American Armed Forces, 1943-47.
artists' books collection (155 titles). Modern artists' books, many
with original graphic art.
John James Audubon's "Birds of America" Collection.
One set of unbound plates from "Birds of America" housed individually in mylar
folders; one set of bound plates.
Authors' Manuscripts Collection
(36 titles). Manuscripts, proofs, and various states of publications by
miscellaneous authors received as gifts over the years.
Paul Avrich Collection
(10,250 items). American and European anarchist publications issued after 1900.
Charles Edward Banks Collection
(55 items). American and English genealogical material, chiefly in manuscript notes and clippings.
John Davis Batchelder Collection
(1,955 print and nonprint
items). Books, manuscripts, and other material assembled by John Davis
Batchelder on the history of western culture. Includes 42
Bible Collection
(1,471 titles). Early editions and
rare issues of the Bible in numerous languages.
Big Little Book Collection
(534 titles). Popular
children's books, mid-twentieth century.
Katherine Golden Bitting Collection on Gastronomy
(4,346 titles). Publications and manuscripts on gastronomy, fifteenth through
twentieth centuries.
Bollingen Foundation Collection
(621 titles). Publications of the Bollingen Foundation.
Bookplate Collection
(130 bookplates). Bookplates designed by twentieth-century Russian artists.
Broadside Collection
(30,500 items). Mostly single-sheet
publications from Europe and the Americas (with the vast majority from the
United States) dating from the sixteenth to the twentieth
Broadside Song Collection
(4,525 items). Nineteenth-century musical lyrics in English.
William Montelle Carpenter-Kipling Collection
(1,675 items). Early editions of Kipling's works, manuscripts, notebooks, etc.
Carrie Chapman Catt Collection
(575 titles). Library of Carrie Chapman Catt, president of the National American Woman Suffrage
Miguel de Cervantes Collection
(400 volumes dispersed in
the division's collection). Rare editions of Cervantes in eight different
languages, the gift of Leonard Kebler.
Lloyd H. Chandler-Kipling Collection
(415 items). Early editions of Kipling's work, manuscripts, photographs, scrapbooks, etc.
Christian Science Collection
(325 titles dispersed in the
division's collection). Books on the foundation of the Christian Science
Church, received through either copyright deposit or donation.
H. Dunscombe Colt-Kipling Collection
(1,500 items).
Early editions of Kipling's works including books, letters, manuscripts, and
Confederate States of America Collection
(1,812 titles). Publications issued in the South during the Civil War.
Confederate States of America Collection: Confederate
(158 broadsides). Southern ballads about the Civil War.
Congressional Speech Collection
(3,750 speeches). Speeches delivered by members of Congress between 1825 and 1940.
Constitutional Convention Broadside Collection
(21 pieces). Broadsides and
other documents related to the Constitutional Convention of 1787,
the ratification of the new Constitution, and the creation of the
Bill of Rights.
Continental Congress Broadside Collection
(260 pieces). Broadsides and
other documents pertaining to the work of the Continental Congress
during the Revolutionary War and Confederation periods.
Howard Dearstyne Collection
(432 items). Printed material
transferred from the Dearstyne Papers in the Manuscript Division.
Dell Paperback Collection
(6,501 titles). Archival
set of Dell paperbacks, from the 1930s to the 1970s.
Charles Dickens Collection
(dispersed in the division's collection).
First editions of Charles Dickens' works included in the Leonard
Kebler gift.
Dime Novel
(40,000 titles). Popular paperback fiction from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Documents of the First Fourteen Congresses
(12,922 titles). Congressional documents, 1789-1817.
Lester Douglas Collection
(98 items). Printed material
designed and donated by Lester Douglas.
Sir Frances Drake Collection
(60 items). Early books,
maps, and memorabilia related to the explorations of Sir Francis
Wilberforce Eames Collection
(103 items). Nineteenth-century
religious tracts in various languages (i.e., Tamal and Bulgarian).
Early Copyright Record Collection
(615 titles; 44,032 title
pages). U.S. copyright registers and accession records, 1790-1870.
Early Printing Collection
(462 titles). Books printed
between 1501 and 1520.
Harrison Elliott Collection
(4,500 specimens and 5,800
secondary sources). Paper specimens, personal papers, and research material
relating to the history of papermaking.
English Printing Collection
(1,613 titles). Books
printed in England between 1521 and 1641.
George Fabyan Collection
(1,550 titles). Early
editions of works of
seventeenth-century English literature and publications relating to
Charles Feinberg-Whitman Collection
(488 titles). Early
editions of Walt Whitman's works.
Fine Bindings File
(20 titles). Books noted for their
fine bindings.
Herman Finkelstein Collection
(300 titles).
Twentieth-century American literature.
Fore-Edge File
(44 titles dispersed in the division's
collection). Books with paintings on the fore-edge.
Foreign Almanac Collection
(672 titles). Almanacs
printed in various countries, with the majority from England.
Benjamin Franklin Collection
(850 titles). Publications
written, printed, edited, or published by Benjamin Franklin.
Franklin Book Program Collection
(3,980 titles in
remote storage). Archival set of Franklin Program publications of American books
translated into Middle Eastern and Asian languages.
Sigmund Freud Collection
(187 titles). Early
editions of Freud's writings.
Roy J. Friedman Mark Twain Collection
(450 items).
first editions, pirated editions, and other material by and relating to
Mark Twain.
Frederic W. Goudy Collection
(2,499 items). Personal
library, papers, and publications of type designer Frederic Goudy.
Gryphius Collection
(135 titles). Books printed by
Sebastianus Gryphius in Lyons in the sixteenth century.
Louise Imogen Guiney Collection
(95 titles). Late
nineteenth-century works by this American poet and essayist.
Henry Harrisse
Collection (414 items). Publications
pertaining to the early exploration of America.
Hawaiian Imprint
Collection (353 volumes). Early
nineteenth-century imprints from Hawaii.
Jean Hersholt Collection
(963 items). Early editions of
Hans Christian
Andersen's writings and his papers; first editions of the writings
of Hugh Walpole and Sinclair Lewis and related papers; publications
related to the Nazi occupation of Denmark.
Martin Hertz Gift
(2 scrapbooks). World War II
propaganda ephemera.
Frank J. Hogan Collection
(86 titles). Instructional texts,
early nineteenth-century paperbound books, and rare juvenile American
Oliver Wendell Holmes Library Collection
items). Book collection of the Holmes family.
Harry Houdini Collection
(10,355 items). Publications,
scrapbooks, and
other materials relating to spiritualism and magic from the library
of Harry Houdini.
Carolyn Wells Houghton Whitman Collection
(516 items).
Early editions of the works of Walt Whitman.
House Unamerican Activities Committee (HUAC) Collection
(4,000 pamphlets).
Pamphlets collected by huac, many of which the committee deemed
Incunabula Collection
(3,797 titles). Books printed
between 1455 and 1501.
International Mark Twain Society Collection
(729 items). Publications from the International Mark Twain Society.
Washington Irving's Works
(dispersed in the division's collection). Rare editions of Washington
Irving's works donated by Leonard Kebler.
Henry James Collection
(132 titles). Early editions of
Henry James's works.
Janus Press Collection
(1,000 items). Archival materials
relating to book production by Claire Van Vliet at the Janus Press.
Thomas Jefferson Library Collection
(2,375 titles).
Thomas Jefferson's personal library purchased by Congress in 1815.
Thomas Jefferson Supplement Collection
(134 titles).
Books owned by Thomas Jefferson but not part of the 1815 sale.
Juvenile Collection
(18,200 items). Children's books
dating from the early eighteenth century to the present.
Rudyard Kipling Collection
(5,089 items). Early editions of
Kipling's works, manuscripts, notebooks, photographs, and memorabilia from
the Carpenter, Chandler, and Colt estates.
Hans P. and Hanni Kraus Collection
(60 items). Early books, manuscripts,
maps, and memorabilia related to the explorations of Sir Francis
L.C. Archival Collection
(10,000 items). Library of
Congress publications.
Lincoln Collection
(64 titles). Publications given to
the Library by the descendants of Abraham Lincoln.
Little Blue Book Collection
(853 titles). Archival set of Little Blue Books.
Francis Longe Collection
(331 titles). Published
theatrical works in English, 1607-1812.
Martin Luther Collection
(285 titles). Early works
attributed to Martin Luther.
M & S Collection
(10,000 items). Twentieth-century
radical publications.
James Madison Pamphlet Collection
(6 portfolios).
Pamphlets and broadsides relating to James Madison.
Manuscript Plays Collection
(3,062 typescripts).
American play typescripts submitted for copyright deposit in the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries.
McGuffey Reader Collection
(314 titles). First
editions of this elementary textbook.
McManus-Young Collection
(673 items). Publications,
scrapbooks, and paraphernalia relating to magic and sleight-of-hand.
Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts Collection
(158 titles). Pre-1601 western manuscripts.
Kikor Miniassian Collection
(71 Islamic bookbindings).
Seventeenth-and eighteenth-century Islamic book-bindings.
Miniature Book Collection
(1,596 titles). Books ten
centimeters or less in height.
Miscellaneous Bound Pamphlets Collection
(30,000 pamphlets). Seventeenth-through nineteenth-century pamphlets, mostly in
William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection
(170 titles). Imprints from the Kelmscott Press printed by William Morris.
Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection
(384 pamphlets). Pamphlets
on all aspects of African-American life, primarily from the second half of
the nineteenth century.
National American Woman Suffrage Association Collection
(575 titles). Material relating to the women's suffrage movement from the
library of Carrie Chapman Catt.
NEA Small Press Collection
(2,500 items). Archival collection of
modern small press publications funded by grants awarded by the National
Endowment for the Arts Literature Program.
A. Edward Newton Collection
(94 titles). Material from
the library of A. Edward Newton.
Patent Office Deposit Collection
(88 titles). Publications deposited by the Patent Office.
Elizabeth Robins Pennell Collection
(732 titles).
Cookbook collection of Elizabeth Robbins Pennell.
Pforzheimer Bruce Rogers Collection
(34,000 items and 20
boxes of proofs, typefaces, etc.). Manuscripts, the personal working
library, and other material of Bruce Rogers.
Plotchev Collection
(635 titles). Early imprints in Bulgarian.
Poetry Collection
(733 titles). Presentation and limited
edition copies of works of poetry formerly housed in the Poetry Office.
Poetry Ephemera Collection
(22 items). Modern poetry published as ephemera.
Portuguese Collection
(3,100 pieces in 62 cases).
Portuguese pamphlets, speeches, almanacs, and other materials, 1610-1925.
Pre-1801 Imprint Collection
(42,000 titles). Books printed
before 1801 originally assigned to the Library's general collection and
transferred to the Rare Book and Special Collections Division.
Presidents' Books Collection
(200 titles dispersed throughout the
division's collection). Personal or autographed books of United
States Presidents.
Press Collection
(3,500 titles). Works of selected
modern British and American private presses.
Printed Ephemera Collection
(39 items). Printed ephemeral material.
Printer's Marks (Vollbehr) Collection.
Sixteenth- through
eighteenth-century continental title pages and printers' marks.
Pulp Fiction
(277 titles). The popular American fiction magazines Black Mask,
Weird Tales, and Amazing Stories.
Radical Pamphlets Collection
(2,000 items). Pamphlets, broadsides, and memorabilia concerning American communism, anarchism, and
socialism, 1870-1980 (especially 1930-1949).
Reformation Collection
(192 titles). Sixteenth-century
publications relating to the Protestant Reformation.
Reserve Storage Collection
(7,000 items). Late nineteenth-century and
early twentieth-century English-language material submitted as
copyright deposits.
Reserve Storage Drama Collection
(5,831 items). English-language plays and playbills from 1870 to 1900.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Collection
(13 titles). Material concerning Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Theodore Roosevelt Hunting Library Collection
(254 titles).
Roosevelt family books on hunting, natural history, and exploration.
Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection
(2,653 titles). The illustrated book, fifteenth through twentieth centuries.
Roycrofters Collection
(97 items). Books published at
the Roycrofter colony founded by Elbert Hubbard.
Russian Imperial Collection
(2,600 titles). Books from the libraries of the Russian imperial family.
Seaside Library Collection
(2,500 titles). Nineteenth-century serial publication by George Munro.
Shakers Collection
(487 items). Shaker literature donated by J. P. MacLean.
Shakespeare Folio Collection
(6 titles). Shakespeare's First, Second, Third, and Fourth Folios.
Shapiro Bruce Rogers Collection
(1,100 items). Manuscripts and printed materials relating to Bruce Rogers.
Spanish American Imprint Collection
(368 titles). Books from various Latin American countries dating from the sixteenth to the
nineteenth century.
Special Format Collection
(5,000 titles). Custodial collection of
items which, because of their unusual format, are housed in the Rare Book
and Special Collections Division.
State House and Senate Documents
(2,200 items). Journals, proceedings,
and other documents of the states from the colonial period to the
mid-nineteenth century.
Alfred Whital Stern Collection of Lincolniana
(11,100 items). Publications, manuscripts, prints, and other material relating to
Abraham Lincoln.
Stone and Kimball Collection
(182 titles). Late nineteenth-
and early twentieth-century publications of Stone and Kimball.
"T.C." Collection
(115 titles). Early works of Theodore
Dreiser collected by Walter N. Tobriner and presented to Roger S. Cohen.
Tabard Inn Library Collection
(87 items). Late nineteenth-
and early twentieth-century imprints from the Tabard Inn Library, a
circulating library.
John Boyd Thacher Collection
(5,193 items). Incunabula, early Americana, material pertaining to the French Revolution, and
autographs of European notables.
Theater Playbills Collection
(3,253 items). Nineteenth-century English-language playbills.
Third Reich Collection
(1,019 titles). Publications and photographs from the libraries of Nazi leaders.
Gaston and Albert Tissandier Collection
(1,800 titles dispersed
in the collection). Publications relating to the history of aeronautics.
Raymond Toinet Collection
(2,500 titles dispersed in
the collection). Early editions of French literary works.
Joseph Meredith Toner Collection
(30,851 titles, 7,739 pamphlets).
Publications relating to the history of American medicine and to
American history in general.
Mark Twain Collection
(450 items). Rare Twain
manuscripts and books donated by Mrs. Frances R. Friedman.
Unclassified Collection
(5,607 items). Nineteenth- and twentieth-century English-language material.
Underground Movement Collection
(16,162 items). World War II resistance material.
Jules Verne Collection
(146 titles). Early editions of
Jules Verne's writings collected by Willis E. Hurd.
Otto Vollbehr Collection
(3,114 titles). Books printed
before 1501, including a copy of the Gutenberg Bible.
Wagner-Camp Collection
(451 titles). Western Americana
selected from Henry Wagner's bibliography, The Plains and the Rockies.
George Washington Collection
(40 titles). Autographed
copies of books belonging to Washington.
Wertham Collection
(10,000 unprocessed items).
Publications primarily related to psychology.
Walt Whitman Collection
(516 titles). Early editions of
Whitman's works.
Woodrow Wilson Library Collection
(9,186 items). Books
and personal mementos from Woodrow Wilson's library.
World War II Propaganda Collection
(6,700 items).
Propaganda material distributed in Europe during World War II.
YA Pamphlet Collection
(25,290 items). Nineteenth-century
congressional documents; nineteenth-century English-language
pamphlets; and European imprints from the sixteenth century onward.
Yudin Collection
(4,173 titles). Publications relating to
Russian history, bibliography, and literature, eighteenth and nineteenth
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