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we close at 9 - and the last customers just left... now off to clean up a bit and close down
ok - dinner done, and now back to folding up boxes
8pm - finally no one in the store - may have to go grab my food, or sit for a minute
back is killing me!!! maybe I should take some aspirin
at Kuhlman tll 9pm - there are now two stores in existence... knock on wood that we're not next...
alright - 11:30, this movie is coming to a close soon so - I'm signing off
home - dinner - watching "T3ree" and seeing really odd previews - lots of Frank Peretti films. odd -
alright - done here at work - going to try on something, then go home and chill
@kimmersck, @megcanada, @thomasknoll - reservation on the music side of The Times, 9pm on Saturday
it is hotter then my old office at CSP - and my old csp peeps know what I'm talking about!!
I got my Kuhlman schedule tonight - and I'm scheduled into January so - I guess that is good news for the Kuhlman fans!!!
@kimmersck @megcanada - does 9pm work? music usually starts 9:30 so...
one more hour - my back is killing me
@kimmersck re: Saturday - should we make a reservation? I think I work till 8:30
we now have belts, new fashion shirts (non-striped for those non-stripe fans @newcoventry) and a few short sleeve...
at Kuhlman - a TON of stock came in from the Warehouse - stuff I've never seen!!! and all 50% off!!!
have to work at 9am at BN, then closing at Kuhlman so - close to a 12 hour day tomorrow - I should go to bed soon...
@mjbruder Congrads on the baby news!!! woot woot!!
@kimmersck honey, if you can do your oral exam with you know who - this interview should be a breeze!!! deep breath in, deep breath out
just got some fleece lined slippers - early Christmas gift... ahhh - warm feet ;-)


thomasknoll Jon Bohlinger Jason DeBoer-Moran taulpaul Kim Knoll BBC News The New York Times Wil Wheaton Michael Bruder NYTimes: Arts Anna Bohlinger Bucephalus NY TImes: National NY Times: World Aaron Moran Stephanie Jones Jon Mierow Heather George Julio Ojeda-Zapata Barb Abney lindsi Dwight Knoll Brad Wickham seesmic brockandroll David de Young nmenews JosiahH Meg Canada Thomas Knoll Brad Crysten Laura A. Andrew Jones smbmsp (eye-an)