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Should I start reading last year's morning porch observation before posting this year's? Well, at least I'm consistent.
Rain. The snow's almost gone, but the forest floor has been altered: no longer scruffy and mammalian, but sleek as a red-backed salamander.
@haikuhabits Depends. In social or ecological terms, it's a near impossibility. Practically speaking, here in PA, it's an illusion at best.
Rain and fog. Only the low rumbly sounds break through: a jet, a train. Sitting in the dark, it's almost possible to believe in isolation.
@J_Kaye Hi. I've been twittering since Nov 2007, the "keeper" posts archived on the tumblelog you linked (thanks).
WordPressers: the Akismet Auntie Spam Greasemonkey script, does not work with 2.7. Comment management just got harder.
How the acoustics vary from one morning to the next! Yesterday, the hollow was a soundproofed room; today it's as echoey as a concert hall.
Cloudy and cold, but the chickadees, titmice, juncos and finches are carrying on as if they were seeing these trees for the very first time.
I come out during a snow squall and am quickly camouflaged in white. Twenty minutes later, the sky is blue and I'm squinting into the sun.
@Wrenaissance Verizon is easy that way.
...and scattering the blood of a white rooster. That's how we roll here in generator country.
Goosing the DSL to life involves an increasingly complex rigamarole of unplugging/replugging, restarting, calling my own number on the phone
It's cold--the porch floorboards pop when I come out--and still as a tomb. The distant calls of a female great-horned owl go unanswered.
@Wrenaissance I remember tuning into the Clinton impeachment hearings on NPR just to hear Barney Frank go off. He's very droll.
@SlowReads @kbrobeck Good to see you both here. (Peter, man, that's one scary-ass photo!)
Tröeg's Doublebock, "The Tröegenator": dumb name, but an excellent breakfast beer. All you people are suddenly both sexy and hilarious.
Juncos gather on the gravel driveway, replenishing their gizzards with grit. Up and down the big maple, it's squirrel kabuki, love and war.
Patter of rain from a leaden sky. Mouth-shaped wounds on the cherry tree where the porcupine chewed it--by far the brightest spots of color.
Out before dawn, I hear the crunch of boots up in the woods. It stops. All over the mountain, hunters are sitting silently in the trees.
It doesn't take a hard wind to get the trees talking, merely the right wind. A nuthatch's nasal commentary. The whistling of doves' wings.


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