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@marialavis @stephenfry These reviews are indeed very funny. Très amusants!
@stephtara ça semble raisonnable. Je dirais 45 minutes grand maximum, en principe.
@stephtara 104-Gare de Lyon en temps ou en distance?
@ProfChristineS @BarbaraNixon Re: Difficulty for students to undertand they must cite their sources. RT @trishdionne:
@matthewcornell At least you were not as daft as I was and did not add an underscore in the middle!
@JBordeaux That must make you a holist?
@trishdionne Thanks for twitting about it. am not sure. It seems to be a prototype. Additional resource seems available online.
@kcarruthers Oh no! ... the cat is out of the bag! I should never have mentionned that I had an A-list! Can you un-tweet a tweet! :o)
Daily Telegraph: Academics invent a mathematical equation for why people procrastinate ... procrastination academic style?
@kcarruthers and failures the US had aplenty lately! :-(
@euan @kcarruthers I keep 4 windows opened: A list, Replied, All, DM. Allows me to modulate my attention. Sometime diving in the river
@euan What I have done was to create a A-list group on Tweetdeck, with the most interesting people to follow. Best of both worlds
RT @trishdionne: University of MI students develop an online game to teach Freshmen the value of Info Literacy:
In Memoriam @mochant 1957-2007
@jmcaddell The shape of my country is hexagonal! ;-)
@matthewcornell You have been unfollowing me surreptiously, this is why I cannot direct-message you! :o)
@SeanAMcAlister: @stephenfry "26,000+ followers in 145 days.... what's your secret" ... Norwich City must be a powerful attractor!
New book : Sophie Chauvin (ed.), Information & visualisation: enjeux, recherches et applications.
@CoachFu @mattthomas Thanks for sharing your take on this.


WDavidStephenson Jason Calacanis Chris Brogan Dennis D. McDonald Chris Marsden Dina Oyvind Solstad Euan Semple Paul Carruthers Marc Orchant Leanda magia3e Starbucks Coffee Kevin Gamble mark sanders Stephanie Booth Martin Menu Ben Malbon Lilly Evans Tim Bradshaw Patrick Kollitsch TonNet Loic Le Meur Jeff Keni Pulver Paul Bradshaw David Gurteen Grayson Francis Shepherd Des Walsh DEREK RICHARDSON Pete Gilbert Tony Steward Jonathan Lambert tsudohnimh Darren Hill Jack Ivers
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