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House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Committee Reports - 105th Congress

  • H. Rpt. 105-829 -- Investigation of the Political Fundraising Improprieties and Possible Violations of Law
    Vol. 1 - TEXT 559K | PDF 683K
    Vol. 2 - TEXT 907K | PDF 1M
    Vol. 3 - TEXT 420K | PDF 586K
    Vol. 4 - TEXT 567K | PDF 667K
  • H. Rpt. 105-828 -- Investigation of the Conversion of the $1.7 Million Centralized White House Computer System, Known as the White House Database, and Related Matters - TEXT 370K | PDF 12.2M
  • H. Rpt. 105-827 -- The Year 2000 Problem - TEXT 271K | PDF 1.4M
  • H. Rpt. 105-821 -- Medicare Home Health Services: No Surety in the Fight Against Fraud and Waste - TEXT 98K | PDF 249K
  • H. Rpt. 105-820 -- Hepatitis C: Silent Epidemic, Mute Public Health Response - TEXT 56K | PDF 198K
  • H. Rpt. 105-728 -- Contempt of Congress - TEXT 218K | PDF 3.6M
  • H. Rpt. 105-664 -- Making the Federal Government Accountable: Enforcing the Mandate for Effective Financial Management - TEXT 171K | PDF 322K
  • H. Rpt. 105-388 -- Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses: VA, DOD Continue to Resist Strong Evidence Linking Toxic Causes to Chronic Health Effects - TEXT 448K | PDF 1.2M
  • H. Rpt. 105-44 -- Oversight Plans for All House Committees, with Accompanying Recommendations - TEXT 11K | PDF 7.7M   (Pursuant to Rule X, clause (3), the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and Oversight presents to the House the oversight plans submitted by each standing committee, along with the committee's recommendations for ensuring the most effective coordination of such plans.)
  • H. Rpt. 105-37 -- A Citizen's Guide on Using the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act of 1974 to Request Government Records - TEXT 238K | PDF 351K   (The committee's report is based on a study conducted by its Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology.)