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House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Committee Hearings - 107th Congress

  • Hrg. No. 107-240 -- Computer Security in the Federal Government: How do the Agencies Rate? - TEXT 95K | PDF 3.6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-239 -- Federal Debt Collection: Is the Government Making Progress? - TEXT 78K | PDF 1.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-238 -- VA Health Care: Access Delayed, Access Denied - TEXT 134K | PDF 1.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-237 -- Research Into Persian Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses - TEXT 245K | PDF 7.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-236 -- The Use and Abuse of Government Credit Cards at the Department of the Navy - TEXT 119K | PDF 3.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-235 -- Are We Listening to the Arab Street? - TEXT 257K | PDF 5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-234 -- Disappearing Tax Dollars; What Changes are Needed? - TEXT 74K | PDF 3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-233 -- Responding to West Nile Virus: Public Health Implications and Federal Response - TEXT 128K | PDF 2.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-232 -- Chemical and Biological Equipment: Preparing for a Toxic Battlefield - TEXT 234K | PDF 3.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-231 -- Combating Terrorism: Preventing Nuclear Terrorism - TEXT 187K | PDF 3.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-230 -- Agency Implementation of the SWANCC Decision - TEXT 159K | PDF 5.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-229 -- Ecstasy: A Growing Threat to the Nation's Youth - TEXT 709K | PDF 5.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-228 -- Linking Program Funding to Performance Results - TEXT 78K | PDF 4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-227 -- H.R. 5215, Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 - TEXT 86K | PDF 1.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-226 -- How Effectively is the Federal Government Assisting State and Local Governments in Preparing for a Biological, Chemical or Nuclear Attack?    TEXT 148K    PDF 3.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-225 -- How Effectively is the Federal Government Assisting State and Local Governments in Preparing for a Biological, Chemical or Nuclear Attack?    TEXT 130K    PDF 5.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-224 -- Homeland Security: Finding the Nuclear Needle in the Cargo Container Haystack - TEXT 222K | PDF 4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-223 -- How Effectively is the Federal Government Assisting State and Local Governments in Preparing for a Biological, Chemical or Nuclear Attack?    TEXT 46K    PDF 5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-222 -- Homeland Security: Protecting Strategic Ports - TEXT 262K | PDF 4.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-221 -- Recent Developments in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program - TEXT 133K | PDF 2.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-220 -- Homeland Security: Keeping First Responders First - TEXT266K | PDF5.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-219 -- The Effectiveness of Substance Abuse Education and Treatment Programs in Prevention of Crime - TEXT 152K | PDF 3.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-218 -- Impact of Potential Restrictions on Anti-Drug Media Campaign Contractors - TEXT 109K | PDF 783K
  • Hrg. No. 107-217 -- Cyberterrorism: Is the Nation's Critical Infrastructure Adequately Protected? - TEXT166K | PDF6.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-216 -- Homeland Security: Securing Strategic Ports - TEXT 114K | PDF 2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-215 -- California's Electricity Market: The Case of Perot Systems - TEXT157K | PDF20M
  • Hrg. No. 107-214 -- Lesson's Learned: The Department of Veterans Affairs Prescription Drug Purchasing Program - TEXT 149K | PDF 2.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-213 -- Government Purchase and Travel Card Programs at the Department of the Army - TEXT 188K | PDF 3.92M
  • Hrg. No. 107-212 -- How Effectively is the Federal Government Assisting State and Local Governments in Preparing for a Biological, Chemical or Nuclear Attack - TEXT 123K | PDF 3.6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-211 -- How Effectively is the Federal Government Assisting State and Local Governments in Preparing for a Biological, Chemical or Nuclear Attack? - TEXT 137K | PDF 3.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-210 -- How Effectively is the Federal Government Assisting State and Local Governments in Preparing for a Biological, Chemical or Nuclear Attack? - TEXT 119K | PDF 3.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-209 -- Oversight of the Single Audit Act - TEXT 89K | PDF 2.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-208 -- DOD Financial Management: Following One Item through the Maze - TEXT 178K | PDF 5.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-207 -- National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign - TEXT 127K | PDF 1.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-206 -- Strengthening America: Should the Issuing of Visas be Viewed as a Diplomatic Tool or Security Measure? - TEXT 99K | PDF 1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-205 -- Homeland Security: Should Consular Affairs be Transferred to the New Department of Homeland Security? - TEXT 107K | PDF 1.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-204 -- H.R. 1081, The Accountability for Presidential Gifts Act - TEXT 119K | PDF 3.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-203 -- Homeland Security Reorganization: What Impact on Federal Law Enforcement and Drug Interdiction - TEXT 175K | PDF 2.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-202 -- Energy: Maximizing Resources, Meeting Needs and Retaining Jobs - TEXT 165K | PDF 8.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-201 -- Medicaid Claims: Who's Watching the Money? - TEXT 97K | PDF 2.6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-200 -- Combatting Terrorism: Improving the Federal Response - TEXT 319K | PDF 1.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-199 -- The Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996: Are Agencies Meeting the Challenge? - TEXT 72K | PDF 3.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-198 -- Transforming the Department of Defense Financial Management: A Strategy forChange - TEXT 168K | PDF 4.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-197 -- New Concepts in Environmental Policy - TEXT 138K | PDF 6.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-196 -- Racial Disparities in Health Care: Confronting Unequal Treatment - TEXT 147K | PDF 3.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-195 -- Cafeteria Benefit Plans:  More Value for Federal Employees - TEXT 63K | PDF 3.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-194 -- Medical Science and Bioethics: Attack of the Clones? - TEXT 159K | PDF 19M
  • Hrg. No. 107-193 -- H.R. 4685, The Accountability of Tax Dollars Act of 2002 - TEXT 89K | PDF 4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-192 -- VA Health Care:  Structural Problems, Superficial Solutions - TEXT 171K | PDF 2.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-191 -- Oversight of the Management of the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs:  Are the Complaints Justified? - TEXT 75K | PDF 3.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-190 -- H.R. 3844, The Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 - TEXT 116K | PDF 4.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-189 -- Right Sizing the U.S. Presence Abroad - TEXT 140K | PDF 3.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-188 -- Reforming Government: The Federal Sunset Act of 2001 - TEXT 93K | PDF 1.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-187 -- Combating Terrorism: Axis of Evil, Multilateral Containment or Unilateral Confrontation? - TEXT 125K | PDF 4.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-186 -- Ensuring Coordination, Reducing Redundancy:  A Review of OMB's Freeze on IT Spending at Homeland Security Agencies - TEXT 69K | PDF 1.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-185 -- Oversight Hearing to Review the Findings of the Commercial Activities Panel - TEXT 114K | PDF 6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-184 -- H.R. 2458 and S. 803, The E-Government Act of 2002 - TEXT 85K | PDF 6.6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-183 -- Helping State and Local Governments Move at New Economy Speed: Adding Flexibility to the Federal IT Grant Process - TEXT 108K | PDF 2.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-182 -- Coordinated Information Sharing and Homeland Security Technology - TEXT 141K | PDF 3.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-181 -- Intellectual Property and Government R&D for Homeland Security - TEXT 115K | PDF 3.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-180 -- Ensuring the Safety of Our Federal Workforce: GSA's Use of Technology to Secure Federal Buildings - TEXT 73K | PDF 2.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-179 -- Emergency Preparedness in the Nation's Capital - TEXT 144K | PDF 6.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-178 -- The Clean Up of the U.S. Postal Service's Brentwood Processing and Distribution Center - TEXT 170K | PDF 3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-177 -- Voting Representation in Congress - TEXT 117K | PDF 3.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-176 -- Spring Valley Revisited: The Status of the Cleanup of Contaminated Sites in Spring Valley - TEXT 150K | PDF 3.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-175 -- The Performance of the Court of Appeals and the Superior Court of the District of Columbia - TEXT 140K | PDF 3.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-174 -- The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority--The Impact of the September 11th Terrorist Attacks on the Security and Operation of Airports Serving the Nation's Capital - TEXT 161K | PDF 2.6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-173 -- Paperwork Inflation--The Growing Burden on America - TEXT 135K | PDF 10.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-172 -- Making Sense of Procurement's Alphabet Soup:  How Purchasing Agencies Choose between FSS and FTS - TEXT 80K | PDF 2.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-171 -- Enhancing Border Security and Law Enforcement - TEXT 140K | PDF 3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-170 -- Women in Management:  Are They Breaking the Glass Ceiling? - TEXT 156K | PDF 4.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-169 -- The Internal Revenue Service: The Commissioner's Final Report - TEXT 117K | PDF 4.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-168 -- The Federal Government's Consolidated Financial Statements: Are They Reliable? - TEXT 84K | PDF 2.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-167 -- How Effectively are Federal State and Local Governments Working Together to Prepare for a Biological, Chemical or Nuclear Attack? - TEXT 151K | PDF 4.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-165 -- Innovative Approaches to Preventing Crime and Rehabilitating Youth and Adult Offenders - TEXT 161K | PDF 4.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-166 -- Privacy vs. Security: Electronic Surveillance in the Nation's Capital - TEXT 142K | PDF 4.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-164 -- Turning the Tortoise into the Hare:  How the Federal Government Can Transition from Old Economy Speed to Become a Model for Electronic Government - TEXT 111K | PDF 6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-163 -- How Effectively are Federal, State and Local Governments Working Together to Prepare for a Biological, Chemical or Nuclear Attack? - TEXT 160K | PDF 2.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-162 -- How Effectively are Federal, State and Local Governments Working Together to Prepare for a Biological, Chemical or Nuclear Attack? - TEXT 165K | PDF 5.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-161 -- H.R. 2693, The Holocaust Victims Insurance Relief Act of 2001 - TEXT 103K | PDF 2.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-160 -- How Effectively are Federal, State and Local Governments Working Together to Prepare for a Biological, Chemical or Nuclear Attack? - TEXT 151K | PDF 5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-159 -- Mercury in Dental Amalgams: An Examination of the Science - TEXT 214K | PDF 19.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-158 -- The National Aeronautics and Space Administration:  What Went Wrong? - TEXT 73K | PDF 2.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-157 -- The Department of Defense:  What is Being Done to Resolve Longstanding Financial Management Problems? - TEXT 83K | PDF 2.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-156 -- Combating Terrorism: Protecting the United States, Parts I and II - TEXT 309K | PDF 4.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-155 -- Regulatory Accounting: Costs and Benefits of Federal Regulations - TEXT 158K | PDF 15.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-154 -- Economic Development in the District of Columbia:  The Role of the National Capital Revitalization Corp. - TEXT 139K | PDF 1.6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-153 -- Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic: Reviewing the Federal Government's Track Record and Charting a Course for the Future - TEXT 193K | PDF 15M
  • Hrg. No. 107-152 -- America's Heroin Crisis, Colombian Heroin, and How We Can Improve Plan Colombia - TEXT 199K | PDF 6.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-151 -- The Services Acquisition Reform Act (SARA) - TEXT 145K | PDF 8.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-150 -- Benefits of Integrated Drug Demand-Reduction Strategy: Effects of Treatment Funding on Public Health and Public Safety in Baltimore - TEXT 147K | PDF 3.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-149 -- The National Drug Control Strategy for 2002 - TEXT 73K | PDF 3.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-148 -- Improving Security and Facilitating Commerce at the Southern Border - TEXT 186K | PDF 9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-147 -- Acquiring Private Sector Solutions to Public Sector Problems - TEXT 13K | PDF 2.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-146 -- Accountability for Presidential Gifts - TEXT 122K | PDF 7.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-145 -- Recognizing a Problem--A Hearing on Federal Tribal Recognition - TEXT 114K | PDF 7.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-144 -- The Standard Procurement System [SPS]:  Can the DOD Procurement Process be Standardized? - TEXT 95K | PDF 2.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-143 -- Improving Security and Facilitating Commerce at the Nation's Ports of Entry: Seaports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, CA - TEXT 186K | PDF 273K
  • Hrg. No. 107-142 -- The Collapse of Executive Life Insurance Co. and its Impact on Policyholders - TEXT 173K | PDF 4.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-141 -- Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder--Are We Overmedicating Our Children? - TEXT 203K | PDF 8.6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-140 -- The Continuing Oversight of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program - TEXT 152K | PDF 272K
  • Hrg. No. 107-139 -- Conflict with Iraq:  An Israeli Perspective - TEXT 152K | PDF 2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-138 -- Improving Security and Facilitating Commerce at the Southern Border - TEXT 152K | PDF 2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-137 -- Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses:  Health of Coalition Forces - TEXT 257K | PDF 5.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-136 -- Status of Construction of the Convention Center - TEXT 95K | PDF 1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-135 -- EPA Elevation - TEXT 340K | PDF 9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-134 -- Airport Baggage Screening: Meeting Goals and Ensuring Safety--Are We on Target? - TEXT 102K | PDF 1.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-133 -- California Independent System Operator: Governance and Design of California's Electricity Market - TEXT 173K | PDF 4.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-132 -- Battling Bioterrorism: Why Time Information-Sharing Between Local, State and Federal Governments is the Key to Protecting Public Health - TEXT 131K | PDF 3.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-131 -- Fuel Markets: Unstable at Any Price? - TEXT 151K | PDF 9.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-130 -- Improving Security and Facilitating Commerce at the Northern Border - TEXT 182K | PDF 3.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-129 -- The Use and Abuse of Government Purchase Cards - TEXT 107K | PDF 4.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-128 -- The District of Columbia School Reform Act of 1995--Blueprint for Educational Reform in the District of Columbia - TEXT 181K | PDF 5.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-127 -- What Regulations are Needed to Ensure Air Security? - TEXT 164K | PDF 2.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-126 -- Natural Gas Infrastructure and Capacity Constraints - TEXT 193K | PDF 8.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-125 -- Toward a Telework-Friendly Government Workplace:  An Update on Public and Private Approaches to Telecommuting - TEXT 108K | PDF 2.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-124 -- Lessons Learned from the Government Information Security Reform Act of 2000 - TEXT 108K | PDF 5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-123 -- Federal Law Enforcement:  Long-Term Implications of Homeland Security Needs - TEXT 141K | PDF 2.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-122 -- Risk Communication: National Security and Public Health - TEXT 135K | PDF 1.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-121 -- The Status of Research into Vaccine Safety and Autism - TEXT 224K | PDF 16.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-120 -- How Effectively are Federal, State and Local Governments Working Together to Prepare for a Biological, Chemical or Nuclear Attack - TEXT 158K | PDF 211K
  • Hrg. No. 107-119 -- The President's Management Agenda:  Getting Agencies from Red to Green - TEXT 82K | PDF 2.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-118 -- Does America Need a National Identifier? - TEXT 195K | PDF 5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-117 -- Emergency Preparations in the Nation's Capital:  The Economic Impact of Terrorist Attacks - TEXT 124K | PDF 1.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-116 -- Law Enforcement: Are Federal, State, and Local Agencies Working Together Effectively? - TEXT 212K | PDF 3.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-115 -- Computer Security in the Federal Government: How do the Agencies Rate? - TEXT 71K | PDF 1.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-114 -- Chemical and Biological Defense: DOD Medical Readiness - TEXT 235K | PDF 705K
  • Hrg. No. 107-112 -- Emergency Preparedness in the Nation's Capital - TEXT 220K | PDF 2.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-111 -- Moving Forward with Services Acquisition Reform: A Legislative Approach to Utilizing Commercial Best Practices - TEXT 118K | PDF 5.6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-110 -- Missile Defense: A New Organization, Evolutionary Technologies and Unrestricted Testing - TEXT 232K | PDF 2.6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-109 -- Diet, Physical Activity, Dietary Supplements, Lifestyle and Health - TEXT 184K | PDF 6.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-108 -- Issues at the Northern Border - TEXT 137K | PDF 2.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-107 -- Issues at the Northern Border - TEXT 137K | PDF 2.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-106 -- Sustaining Critical Military Training Facilities: Avon Park Air Force Range - TEXT 130K | PDF 936K
  • Hrg. No. 107-105 -- Biological Warfare Defense Vaccine Research and Development Program - TEXT 227K | PDF 2.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-104 -- Keeping A Strong Federal Law Enforcement Work Force - TEXT 86K | PDF 2.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-103 -- Combating Terrorism: Assessing the Threat of a Biological Weapons - TEXT 134K | PDF 219K
  • Hrg. No. 107-102 -- The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996: How Well is it Working? - TEXT 60K | PDF 91K
  • Hrg. No. 107-101 -- F-22 Cost Controls: How Realistic are Production Cost Reduction Plan Estimates? - TEXT 142K | PDF 1.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-100 -- Federal Interagency Data-Sharing and National Security - TEXT 108K | PDF 1.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-99 -- Combating Terrorism:  Federal Response to a Biological Weapons Attack - TEXT 197K | PDF 5.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-98 -- Biological Weapons Convention Protocols:  Status and Implications - TEXT 93K | PDF 2.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-97 -- Hepatitis C:  Screening in the VA Health Care System - TEXT 98K | PDF 2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-96 -- The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996:  How Well is it Working? - TEXT 114K | PDF 2.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-95 -- The Silent War:  Are Federal, State and Local Governments Prepared for Biological and Chemical Attacks? - TEXT 206K | PDF 4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-94 -- Transforming the IT and Acquisition Workforces - TEXT 115K | PDF 3.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-93 -- Drug Trade and the Terror Network - TEXT 83K | PDF 4.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-92 -- The Use of Public-Private Partnerships as a Management Tool for Federal Real Property - TEXT 85K | PDF 2.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-91 -- Public Service for the 21st Century:  Innovative Solutions to the Federal Government's Technology Workforce Crisis - TEXT 79K | PDF 3.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-90 -- Toward Greater Public-Private Collaboration in Research and Development:  How the Treatment of Intellectual Property Rights is Minimizing Innovation in the Federal Government - TEXT 105K | PDF 3.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-89 -- Mass Transit in the National Capital Region:  Meeting Future Capital Needs - TEXT 130K | PDF 3.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-88 -- FERC:  Regulators in Deregulated Electricity Markets - TEXT 151K | PDF 7.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-87 -- The Department of Homeland Security: An Overview of the President's Proposal - TEXT 234K | PDF 1.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-86 -- National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign:  How to Ensure the Program Operates Efficiently and Effectively - TEXT 157K | PDF 2.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-85 -- Air Transportation--Customer Problems and Solutions - TEXT 112K | PDF 3.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-84 -- Managing Radio Frequency Spectrum:  Military Readiness and National Security - TEXT 178K | PDF 5.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-83 -- Investigation into Abductions of American Children to Saudi Arabia - TEXT 910K | PDF 48.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-82 -- Examining Security at Federal Facilities:  Are Atlanta's Federal Employees at Risk? - TEXT 86K | PDF 1.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-81 -- Emerging Threats: Methamphetamines - TEXT 174K | PDF 10.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-80 -- The Best Services at the Lowest Price:  Moving beyond a Black and White Discussion of Outsourcing - TEXT 206K | PDF 8.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-79 -- Critical Challenges Confronting National Security--Continuing Encroachment Threatens Force Readiness - TEXT 277K | PDF 9.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-78 -- Information Technology--Essential Yet Vulnerable: How Prepared are We for Attacks? - TEXT 135K | PDF 6.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-77 -- What can be Done to Reduce the Threats Posed by Computer Viruses and Worms to the Workings of Government? - TEXT 173K | PDF 5.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-76 -- Local Economy, Environment, and Intergovernmental Cooperation: What can be Learned from Fort Ord? - TEXT 154K | PDF 4.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-75 -- The Results Act: Has It Met Congressional Expectations? - TEXT 131K | PDF 2.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-74 -- The Autism Epidemic--Is the NIH and CDC Response Adequate? - TEXT 189K | PDF 4.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-73 -- Hearings Regarding Executive Order 13233 and the Presidential Records Act - TEXT 880K | PDF 15.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-72 -- H.R. 866, to Prohibit the Provision of Financial Assistance by the Federal Government to Any Person Who is More Than 60 Days Delinquent in the Payment of Any Child Support Obligation - TEXT 93K | PDF 3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-71 -- Biological Weapons Convention Protocol:  Status and Implications - TEXT 145K | PDF 2.6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-70 -- Aircraft Cannibalization: An Expensive Appetite? - TEXT 13K | PDF 1.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-69 -- The Role of Community and Faith-Based Organizations in Providing Effective Social Services - TEXT 192K | PDF 3.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-68 -- Paperwork Inflation--Past Failures and Future Plans - TEXT 160K | PDF 3.6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-67 -- H.R. 577, to Require Any Organization that is Established for the Purpose of Raising Funds for the Creation of a Presidential Archival Depository to Disclose the Sources and Amounts of Any Funds Raised - TEXT 73K | PDF 1.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-66 -- Rule of Law Assistance Programs - TEXT 122K | PDF 3.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-65 -- H.R. 2291, Reauthorization of the Drug Free Communities Act - TEXT 149K | PDF 2.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-64 -- Quickening the Pace of Research in Protecting Against Anthrax and Other Biological Terrorist Agents: A Look at Toxin Interference - TEXT 168K | PDF 3.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-63 -- Health Care Inflation and Its Impact on the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program - TEXT 133K | PDF 2.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-62 -- The Use and Abuse of Government Purchase Cards: Is Anyone Watching? - TEXT 111K | PDF 1.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-61 -- U.S. Air Interdiction Efforts in South America After the Peru Incident - TEXT 198K | PDF 3.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-60 -- The Defense Department's Illegal Manipulation of Appropriated Funds - TEXT 79K | PDF 1.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-59 -- Is The CIA's Refusal to Cooperate with Congressional Inquiries a Threat to Effective Oversight of the Operations of the Federal Government? - TEXT 108K | PDF 1.6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-58 -- Combating Terrorism: Options to Improve Federal Response - TEXT 761K | PDF 168K
  • Hrg. No. 107-57 -- How Effectively are State and Federal Agencies Working Together to Implement the Use of New DNA Technologies? - TEXT 171K | PDF 2.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-56 (Vol. 3) -- Investigation of Allegations of Law Enforcement Misconduct in New England--Volume 3 - TEXT 460K | PDF 5.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-56 (Vol. 2) -- Investigation into Allegations of Justice Department Misconduct in New England--Volume 2 - TEXT 480K | PDF 15.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-56 (Vol. 1) -- Investigation into Allegations of Justice Department Misconduct in New England--Volume 1 - TEXT 801K | PDF 9.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-55 -- Gasoline Supply--Another Energy Crisis? - TEXT 194K | PDF 12M
  • Hrg. No. 107-54 -- The Department of Agriculture: What Must be Done to Resolve USDA's Longstanding Financial Management Problems? - TEXT 70K | PDF 1.6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-53 -- The U.S. Agency for International Development: What Must be Done to Resolve Usaid's Longstanding Financial Management Problems? - TEXT 60K | PDF 845K
  • Hrg. No. 107-52 -- The Department of Defense: What Must Be Done to Resolve DOD's Longstanding Financial Management Problems? - TEXT 67K | PDF 1.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-51 -- Vulnerabilities to Waste, Fraud, and Abuse: Inspectors General Views on National Security, International Relations, and Trade Programs - TEXT 192K | PDF 8.6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-50 -- The Alameda Corridor Project: Its Successes and Challenges - TEXT 157K | PDF 5.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-49 -- Regional Offices: Are They Vital in Accomplishing the Federal Government's Mission? - TEXT 108K | PDF 702K
  • Hrg. No. 107-48 -- Effective Faith-Based Treatment Programs - TEXT 136K | PDF 961K
  • Hrg. No. 107-47 -- The Status of Insurance Restitution for Holocaust Victims and Their Heirs - TEXT 290K | PDF 4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-46 -- Implementation of the Travel and Transportation Reform Act of 1998: Why Haven't Federal Employees Been Held Accountable for Millions of Dollars of Federal Travel Expenditures? - TEXT 100K | PDF 1.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-45 -- Comprehensive Medical Care for Bioterrorism Exposure--Are We Making Evidenced-Based Decisions? What are the Research Needs? - TEXT 161K | PDF 2.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-44 -- The National Vaccine Injury Program: Is it Working as Congress Intended? - TEXT 37K | PDF 5.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-43 -- Oversight of the U.S. Postal Service: Ensuring the Safety of Postal Employees and the U.S. Mail - TEXT 312K | PDF 2.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-42 -- Spring Valley--Toxic Waste Contamination in the Nation's Capital - TEXT 235K | PDF 9.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-41 -- Ensuring Program Goals Are Met: A Review of the Metropolitan Area Acquisition Program - TEXT 146K | PDF 5.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-40 -- Defense Security Service: Mission Degradation? - TEXT 126K | PDF 550K
  • Hrg. No. 107-39 -- The Next Steps in Services Acquisition Reform: Learning from the Past, Preparing for the Future - TEXT 130K | PDF 3.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-38 -- Opportunities and Advancements in Stem Cell Research - TEXT 184K | PDF 19.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-37 -- Preparing for the War on Terrorism - TEXT 282K | PDF 3.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-36 -- The Benefits of Audio-Visual Technology in Addressing Racial Profiling - TEXT 246K | PDF 3.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-35 -- Federal Information Technology Modernization: Assessing Compliance with the Government Paperwork Elimination Act - TEXT 172K | PDF 3.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-34 -- Compassionate Use of Investigational New Drugs: Is the Current Process Effective? - TEXT 191K | PDF 4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-33 -- Oversight of the Internal Revenue Service - TEXT 113K | PDF 3.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-32 -- What are the Barriers to Effective Intergovernmental Efforts to Stop the Flow of Illegal Drugs? - TEXT 175 | PDF 2.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-31 -- Are the Financial Records of the Federal Government Reliable? - TEXT 98K | PDF 92M
  • Hrg. No. 107-30 -- Reform of the Family Division of the District of Columbia Superior Court--Improving Services to Families and Children - TEXT 221K | PDF 9.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-29 -- Autism--Why the Increased Rates? A One-Year Update - TEXT 369K | PDF 10.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-28 -- Assessing the California Energy Crisis: How Did We Get to This Point, and Where Do We Go from Here? - TEXT 802K | PDF 15.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-27 -- The Use of Prosecutorial Power in the Investigation of Joseph Gersten - TEXT 224K | PDF 69K
  • Hrg. No. 107-26 -- Six Years After the Establishment of DSHEA: The Status of National and International Dietary Supplement Research and Regulation - TEXT 170K | PDF 5.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-25 -- The FBI's Controversial Handling of Organized Crime Investigations in Boston: The Case of Joseph Salvati - TEXT 343K | PDF 4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-24 -- The Study of Plan Colombia: An Assessment of Successes and Challenges - TEXT 123K | PDF 7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-23 -- Isoner Release in the District of Columbia: The Role of Halfway Houses and Community Supervision in Prisoner Rehabilitation - TEXT 181K | PDF 3.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-22 -- Vulnerabilities to Waste, Fraud, and Abuse: General Accounting Office Views on National Defense and International Relations Programs - TEXT 132K | PDF 1.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-21 -- FTS 2001: How and Why Transition Delays Have Decreased Competition and Increased Prices - TEXT 157K | PDF 5.3M
  • Hrg. No. 107-20 -- Coordination of Criminal Justice Activities in the District of Columbia - TEXT 184K | PDF 3.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-19 -- Unfunded Mandates--A Five-Year Review and Recommendations for Change - TEXT 100K | PDF 4.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-18 -- Combating Terrorism: In Search of A National Strategy - TEXT 202K | PDF 4.7M
  • Hrg. No. 107-17 -- Combating Terrorism: Management of Medical Supplies - TEXT 110KK | PDF 1.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-16 -- Protecting American Interests Abroad: U.S. Citizens, Businesses and Nongovernmental Organizations - TEXT 184K | PDF 6.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-15 -- The Outlook for the District of Columbia Government: The Post-Control Board Period - TEXT 183K | PDF 6.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-14 -- A Rush to Regulate--The Congressional Review Act and Recent Federal Regulations - TEXT 135K | PDF 4.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-13 -- Americans Abroad, How Can We Count Them? - TEXT 116K | PDF 2.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-12 -- Special Education: Is Idea Working as Congress Intended? - TEXT 218K | PDF 12.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-11 -- The Controversial Pardon of International Fugitive Marc Rich - TEXT 947K | PDF 21.9M
  • Hrg. No. 107-10 -- The U.S. Postal Service's Uncertain Financial Outlook, Parts I and II - TEXT 368K | PDF 10M
  • Hrg. No. 107-9 -- The Census Bureau's Proposed American Community Survey [ACS] - TEXT 108K | PDF 3.2M
  • Hrg. No. 107-8 -- BEA: Is the GDP Accurately Measuring the U.S. Economy? - TEXT 123K | PDF 2.1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-7 -- The Success of the 2000 Census - TEXT 102K | PDF 1M
  • Hrg. No. 107-6 -- America's Main Street: The Future of Pennsylvania Avenue - TEXT 206K | PDF 3.4M
  • Hrg. No. 107-5 -- The National Security Implications of the Human Capital Crisis - TEXT 120K | PDF 1.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-4 -- Enterprise-Wide Strategies for Managing Information Resources and Technology: Learning from State and Local Governments - TEXT 113K | PDF 3.6M
  • Hrg. No. 107-3 -- Challenges to National Security: Constraints on Military Training - TEXT 196K | PDF 12.5M
  • Hrg. No. 107-2 -- "Medical" Marijuana, Federal Drug Law and the Constitution's Supremacy Clause - TEXT 161K | PDF 1.8M
  • Hrg. No. 107-1 -- Telework Policies - TEXT 115K | PDF 2M