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House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Committee Hearings - 104th Congress

  • HEARING -- OPM Investigations Program: ESOP Transition -- October 17, 1996 - TEXT 1K | PDF 4.6M
  • HEARING -- Review of the Internal Administraton's Study Critical of Clinton Drug Policy and White House Supression of Study -- October 1, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 10M
  • HEARING -- Report From the Front Line: The Drug Battle in Central Florida -- October 14, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.7M
  • HEARING -- Chicago Area Mail Service -- October 11, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 4.8M
  • HEARING -- Losing America's Drug War: "Just Say No" to "Just Say Nothing" -- October 10, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 9.6M
  • HEARING -- The Epidemic of Teenage Drug Use -- September 26, 1996 - TEXT 1.6K | PDF 8M
  • HEARING -- Report From the Front Line: The Drug Battle in California -- September 23, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 2.1M
  • HEARING -- Report From the Front Lines: The Drug War in Hollywood -- September 21, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.5M
  • HEARING -- Drug Policy in the Federal Workforce -- September 20, 1996 - TEXT 1.1K | PDF 5.7M
  • HEARING -- IRS Financial Management: Has There Been Any Improvement? -- September 19, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3M
  • HEARING -- Heroin: A Re-Emerging Threat -- September 19, 1996 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 6.1M
  • HEARING -- Fire Fighter Pay and Benefits -- September 17, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3.8M
  • HEARING -- Off-Label Drug Use and FDA Review of Supplemental Drug Application -- September 12, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.7M
  • HEARING -- Taxpayer Subsidy of Federal Unions -- September 11, 1996 - TEXT 1.1K | PDF 4M
  • HEARING -- Oversight of NASA's Infrastructure Downsizing Efforts -- September 11, 1996 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 3.7M
  • HEARING -- Oversight of Immigration and Naturalization Service Program Service Program Citizenship USA -- September 10 and 24, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 10.2M
  • HEARING -- Persian Gulf Veteran's ILLNESSES -- December 10 and 11, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 17M
  • HEARING -- Solving the Year 2000 Computer Problem -- September 10, 1996 - TEXT 1.6K | PDF 5M
  • HEARING -- The Propriety of the Taxpayer-Funded White House Data Base -- September 10, 1996 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 8.5M
  • HEARING -- Federal Employees' Health Benefits [FEHB] Program Oversight -- September 5, 1996 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 10.8M
  • HEARING -- Excluding Fraudulent Providers Form Medicaid -- September 5, 1996 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 5.6M
  • HEARING -- Report from the Front Line: Michigan's War Against Drugs -- September 3, 1996 - TEXT 1.3K | PDF 4.4M
  • HEARING -- U.S. Border Patrol's Implementation of "Operation Gatekeeper" -- August 9, 1996 - TEXT 1.3K | PDF 12.3M
  • HEARING -- Security of FBI Background Files June 26, 1996 -- August 1, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 21.7M
  • HEARING -- Security of FBI Background Files August 1, 1996 -- August 1, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 12.9M
  • HEARING -- The District of Columbia Economic Recovery Act -- July 31, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 9.7M
  • HEARING -- Management of HUD's Section 8 Multifamily Housing Portfolio -- July 30, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.9M
  • HEARING -- Waste, Fraud, and Abuse at EPA Due to Management of Grant Funds -- July 30, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3.4M
  • HEARING -- Department of Defense Bulk Fuel; Appropriations vs. Usage -- July 30, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3.5M
  • HEARING -- Consumers and Health Informatics -- July 26, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5M
  • HEARING -- Oversight of District of Columbia Cash Status, Operating Deficit, and Private Financial Market Access -- July 19, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 4.8M
  • HEARING -- Security of FBI Background Files -- July 17, 1996 - TEXT 1K | PDF 10M
  • HEARING -- Oversight of the Department of Education and the National Institute of Mental Health: Current Approaches to Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders -- July 16, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.8M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 3841, Omnibus Civil Service Reform Bill -- July 16, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5M
  • HEARING -- Oversight of the Departmemt of Labor's Efforts Against Labor Racketeering -- July 11, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.7M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 3717, the Postal Reform Act of 1996 -- July 10 and 18, September 17 and 26, 1996 - TEXT 1.7K | PDF 36M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 3637, Travel Reform and Savings Act of 1996 -- July 9, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3M
  • HEARING -- Corporate America and the War on Drugs: The Importance of Drug Testing -- June 27, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.6M
  • Hearing -- Security of FBI Background Files June 26, 1996 -- June 26, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 12M
  • Hearing -- H.R. 3452, Presidential and Executive Office Accountability Act -- June 25, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.7M
  • HEARING -- Report From the Front Line: Chicagoland Area's Battle Against Drugs -- June 24, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 4M
  • HEARING -- Report from the Front Line: Fort Wayne's Battle Against Drugs -- June 24, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 4.3M
  • HEARING -- Security of FBI Background Files -- June 19, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 7.3M
  • HEARING -- Can the United States Increase Oil Royalties? -- June 17, 1996 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 5.3M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 1281, War Crimes Disclosure Act Health Information Privacy Protection Act, and S. 1090, Electronic Freedom of Information Improvement Act of 1995 -- June 14, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.9M
  • HEARING -- Federal Information Policy Oversight -- June 13, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 17M
  • HEARING -- Oversight of Federal Drug Interdiction Efforts in Mexico: Review of a Rising National Security Threat -- June 12, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 4.5M
  • HEARING -- Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant -- June 12, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 4.4M
  • HEARING -- Further Downsizing and Reinvention, Part II -- June 11, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3.4M
  • HEARING -- The Rising Drug Threat and Some Recent Successes -- June 10, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 4.4M
  • HEARING -- Impacts of the Closure of Pennsylvania Avenue on the District of Columbia -- June 7, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 7.7M
  • HEARING -- Census 2000: The Challenge of the Count -- June 6, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 7M
  • HEARING -- Department of Education Oversight: Gatekeeping -- June 6, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 8M
  • HEARING -- The Developing Of Successful Public Housing Resident Management -- June 3, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 7.3M
  • HEARING -- Ballistic Missile Defense: Responding to the Current Ballistic Missile Threat -- May 30, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.4M
  • HEARING -- Reinventing Downsizing or Downsizing Reinvention -- May 23, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 7M
  • HEARING -- National Drug Control Policy: The Decline of Interdiction Efforts in the Caribbean -- May 23, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3.8M
  • HEARING -- Food Safety: Oversight of the Centers for Disease Control Monitoring of Foodborne Pathogens -- May 23, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.2M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 3802, the Electronic Reporting Strreamling Act of 1996 and H.R. 3189, to Delay the Privatization of the Office of Federal Investigations of the Office of Personnel Management -- May 22, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 8.3M
  • HEARING -- Oversight of the District of Columbia Department of Corrections National Institute on Corrections Study -- May 22, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 2.4M
  • HEARING -- The Hidden Cost of Government Regulations -- May 20, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.2M
  • HEARING -- Regulatory Reform in the Oil Industry -- May 20, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 4.6M
  • HEARING -- The Impact of Regulations on Employment -- May 16, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5M
  • HEARING -- Oversight of the White House Communications Agency -- May 16 and June 13, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 9M
  • HEARING -- Senior Executive Branch Officials' Compliance with Federal Travel Guidelines -- May 16, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 4M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 3078, Federal Agency Anti-Lobbying Act -- May 15, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 9.7M
  • HEARING -- The Pitfalls of Minimum Wage Increase -- May 14, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.6M
  • HEARING -- Oversight of the General Services Administration -- May 10, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.2M
  • HEARING -- Food Safety: Oversight Of The FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine -- May 10, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 12.9M
  • HEARING -- 1996 National Drug Control Strategy -- May 8, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 2.4M
  • HEARING -- Downsizing: Soft-Landings and Related Legislation -- May 8, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3.1M
  • HEARING -- Cleaning Up the Superfund Program -- May 8, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.6M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 2480, Inspector General for Medicare and Medicaid Act of 1995; H.R. 3224, the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act of 1966; And H.R. 1850, Health Fraud and Abuse Act of 1995 -- May 2, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 7.7M
  • HEARING -- Veterans Preference -- April 30, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 25.5M
  • HEARING -- Preventing Teen Pregnancy: Coordinating Community Efforts -- April 30, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6M
  • HEARING -- Oversight of the General Accounting Office -- April 30, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6M
  • HEARING -- Job Training that Works -- April 18, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.1M
  • HEARING -- Is January 1, 2000, The Date for Computer Disaster? -- April 16, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 4.7M
  • HEARING -- Taxing Times: The Case for IRS Reform -- April 3, 1996 - TEXT 5.9K | PDF 6M
  • HEARING -- Creating an Employer-Friendly Regulatory System -- April 2, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6M
  • HEARING -- The Impact of Federal Regulations on California's Central Valley -- April 1, 1996 - TEXT 1.3K | PDF5.8M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 3184, Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 -- March 29, 1996 - TEXT 1.5K | PDF 3.1M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 2521, The Statistical Consolidation Act of 1995 -- March 29, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3.1M
  • HEARING -- Federal Budget Process Reform -- March 27; April 23, and 25, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF18M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 2521, The Statistical Consolidation Act of 1995 -- March 22, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF5.4M
  • HEARING -- The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995: One Year Later -- March 22, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF6.7M
  • HEARING -- Implementation of Public Law 104-8, District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Authority Act of 1995 -- March 19, and 28, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF10M
  • HEARING -- General Oversight of the U.S. Postal Service -- March 13, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 8.7M
  • HEARING -- The Status of Efforts to Identify Persian Gulf War Syndrome -- March 11, 28; June 25; and September 19, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF33M
  • HEARING -- Oversight of the Internal Revenue Service Financial Management -- March 6, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.4M
  • HEARING -- Performance-Based Government: Examining the Government Performance and Re-Results Act of 1993 -- March 6, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.5M
  • HEARING -- HUD Management of Tenant Initiative Programs -- February 29, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 9M
  • HEARING -- Census 2000: Putting Our Money Where it Counts -- February 29, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 9M
  • HEARING -- Using the Best Practices of Information Technology in Government -- February 26, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 8.6M
  • HEARING -- Water and Sewer Systems in the District of Columbia -- February 23, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.7M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 2086, The Local Flexibility Act, Part III -- February 22, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 4.5M
  • HEARING -- Regulatory Reform -- February 9, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 7.1M
  • HEARING -- Regulatory Reform -- February 8, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.4M
  • HEARING -- Screening Medicare Claims for Medical Necessity -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- February 8, 1996 - TEXT 1.3K | PDF 3.9M
  • HEARING -- OMB 2000 Reforms: Where are They Heading? -- February 7, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5M
  • HEARING -- The Federal Regulatory Climate in Maryland -- January 26, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.4M
  • HEARING -- United States Postal Service Reform: The International Experience -- January 25, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 13.7M
  • HEARING -- White House Travel Office-Day Three, before the Full Committee -- January 24, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.7M
  • HEARING -- The Government's Response to the Northridge Earthquake, before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, And Technology -- January 19, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 7.8M
  • HEARING -- Unfunded Mandates in Medicaid, before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- January 18, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.1M
  • HEARING -- White House Travel Office-Day Two, before the Full Committee -- January 17, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.7M
  • HEARING -- The Use of Government Transportation by Executive Branch Officials, before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology -- December 29, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3.7M
  • HEARING -- FEHB/MSA: Adding Medical Savings Accounts-Broadending Employee Options, before the Subcommittee on Civil Service -- December 13, 1995 - TEXT 3K | PDF 4.3M
  • HEARING -- Government Shutdown I: What's Essential?, before the Subcommittee on Civil Service -- December 6 and 14, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 18.5M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 2661, District of Columbia Fiscal Protection Act of 1995, before the Subcommittee on the District of Columbia -- December 6, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 4.7M
  • HEARING -- Civil Service Reform IV: Streamlining Appeals Procedures, before the Subcommittee on Civil Service -- November 29, 1995 - TEXT 3K | PDF 7.8M
  • HEARING -- Status of the Medicare Transaction System: The Health Care Financing Administration's Planned Data System to Control Fraud/Abuse, before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology -- November 16, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.5M
  • HEARING -- The Postal Reorganization Act Twenty-Five Years Later: Time for Change?, before the Subcommittee on the Postal Service -- November 15, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 13M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 1907, the Federal-Aid Facility Privatization Act of 1995, before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology -- November 15, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.8M
  • HEARING -- The Department of Defense's Financial Management Problems, before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technologs -- November 14, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.9M
  • HEARING -- Wasteful Management of HUD Funds in Public Housing Tenant Programs -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- November 9, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.3M
  • HEARING -- The Istook-Mcintosh-Ehrlich Proposal -- October 31, 1995 - TEXT2K | PDF5.2M
  • HEARING -- Civil Service Reform III: Private Sector Compensation Practices -- Before the Subcommittee on Civil Service -- October 31, 1995 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 4.9M
  • HEARING -- Civil Service Reform II: Performance Accountability -- Before the Subcommittee on Civil Service -- October 26, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.7M
  • HEARING -- Oversight of the Census Bureau: Preparations for the 2000 Census -- Before the Subcommittee on National Security, International Affairs, and Criminal Justice -- October 25, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3.8M
  • HEARING -- White House Travel Office-Day One -- Before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and Oversight -- October 24, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 18.9M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 1963, The Postmark Prompt Payment Act of 1995 -- Before the Subcommittee on the Postal Service -- October 19, 1995, and February 28, 1996 - TEXT 2K | PDF 10.5M
  • HEARING -- OSHA: New Mission for a New Workplace -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- October 17, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 11.8M
  • HEARING -- Protecting the Nation's Blood Supply from Infectious Agents: New Standards to Meet New Threats -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- October 12, and November 2, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 14.4M
  • HEARING -- Civil Service Reform I: NPR and the Case for Reform -- Before the Subcommittee on Civil Service -- October 12, 13, and 25, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 13.8M
  • HEARING -- Electronic Reporting Streamlining Act of 1995 -- October 10, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3.8M
  • HEARING -- Traffic Disruption Campaign By “Justice For Janitors” -- Subcommittee on District of Columbia -- October 6, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3.2M
  • HEARING -- The Istook-McIntosh-Ehrlich Proposal -- Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs -- September 28, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.2M
  • HEARING -- Health Care Fraud and Abuse -- Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- September 28, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 7.7M
  • HEARING -- The Drug Problem In New Hampshire: A Microcosm of America -- Subcommittee on National Security, International Affairs, and Criminal Justice -- September 25, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 8.1M
  • HEARING -- Food and Drug Enforcement Standards for Medical Devices -- Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- September 14, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 8.1M
  • HEARING -- FEHBP/CHAMPUS: Improving Access to Health Care for Military Families -- Subcommittee on Civil Service -- September 12, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.4M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 2234, the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1995 -- Before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology -- September 8, 1995 - TEXT 1.4K | PDF 9.1M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 1756, the Department of Commerce Dismantling Act -- Before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology -- September 6, 1995 - TEXT 1.3K | PDF 11.7M
  • HEARING -- HUD's Takeover of the Chicago Housing Authority -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- September 5, 1995 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 7.1M
  • HEARING -- Regulations Pertaining to Federal Contractors -- Before the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs -- August 8, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 2.7M
  • HEARING -- FDA Medical Product Approvals -- Before the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs -- August 8, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 2.3M
  • HEARING -- Economic Impact of Regulations on the 7th District of Minnesota -- Before the National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs -- August 7, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 4.7M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 1855, To Amend Title 11, District of Columbia Code, to Restrict the Authority of the Superior Court over Certain Pending Cases Involving Child Custody and Visitation Rights -- Before the Subcommittee on the District of Columbia -- August 4, 1995 - TEXT 1.5K | PDF 8M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 2086, the Local Empowerment and Flexibility Act of 1995 -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- August 3 & September 20, 1995 - TEXT 1.6K | PDF 8M
  • HEARING -- Inspector General Act Oversight -- Before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology -- August 1, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6M
  • HEARING -- FDA Regulations Of Medical Devices, Including the Status of Breast Implants -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- August 1, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 12.8M
  • HEARING -- OPM Privatization Initiatives-Training -- Before the Subcommittee on Civil Service -- July 26, 1995 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 5.1M
  • HEARING -- U.S. Postal Service Postal Inspection Service and Postal Operations -- Before the Postal Service Subcommittee -- July 25, 1995 - TEXT 1.3K | PDF 1.8M
  • HEARING -- Chief Financial Officers Act Oversight -- Before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology -- July 25, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 8.5M
  • HEARING -- The Federalism Debate: Why doesn't Washington Trust the States? -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- July 20, 1995 - TEXT 1K | PDF 6M
  • HEARING -- Activities of Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Toward The Branch Davidians
      (Part 1) -- July 19, 20, 21, and 24 1995 - TEXT 16K | PDF 47M
      (Part 2) -- July 25, 26, and 27, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 13.5M
      (Part 3) -- July 28, 31, and August 1, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 48M
  • HEARING -- AIDS in the 1990's Service Delivery to Emerging Populations -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- July 17, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.1M
  • HEARING -- Federal Regulatory Reform -- Before the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs -- July 17, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 2.6M
  • HEARING -- Creating a 21st Century Government -- July 14, September 9; October 6, 7, 9, and 20, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 8.4M
  • HEARING -- OSHA's Regulatory Activities and Processes Regarding Ergonomics -- Before the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs -- July 12, 1995 - TEXT 1K | PDF 6.6M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 1862 District of Columbia Convention Center Preconstruction Act of 1995, and H.R. 1843, District of Columbia Sports Arena Financing Act Of 1995 -- Before the Subcommittee on the District of Columbia -- July 12, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 4M
  • HEARING -- Budget and Financial Information-Annual Shareholders Report: How Does the Citizen Know What is Going On? -- Before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology -- July 11, 1995 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 6.8M
  • HEARING -- Lockbox Deficit Reduction Proposals -- Before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology -- July 11, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3.9M
  • HEARING -- Information Hearing on the Closing of Pennsylvania Avenue -- June 30, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 7.4M
  • HEARING -- Investment Budgeting in Foreign, State and Local Governments -- Before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and Oversight and the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology -- June 29, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3.6M
  • HEARING -- Abuse of Taxpayer Funds to Subsidize Lobbying and Political Activity -- June 29, July 28; and August 2, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 15.5M
  • HEARING -- Retirement Trust Fund Investments: Adequate for Long-Term Need? -- Before the Subcommittee on Civil Service -- June 28, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 4.5M
  • HEARING -- The Government Performance and Results -- June 27, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 7.1M
  • HEARING -- Illicit Drug Availability: Are Interdiction Efforts Hampered by a Lack of Agency Resources? -- Before the Subcommittee on National Security, International Affairs, and Criminal Justice -- June 27, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 16.8M
  • HEARING -- Delays in the FDA's Food Additive Petition Process and Gras Affirmation Process -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- June 22 and 29, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 10.5M
  • HEARING -- The Administration's Aid Training Program -- Before the Subcommittee on Civil Service -- June 22, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.8M
  • HEARING -- Performance Management, Benchmarking and Reengineering within Government -- June 20, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 8.7M
  • HEARING -- Outsourcing of OPM's Investigations Program -- Before the Subcommittee on Civil Service -- June 15, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6M
  • HEARING -- Keeping Fraudulent Providers Out of Medicare and Medicaid -- June 15, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 8.4M
  • HEARING -- Oversight of Federal Investigations Policy -- Before the Subcommittee on Civil Service -- June 14, 1995 - TEXT 1K | PDF 3.4M
  • HEARING -- Streamlining Federal Field Structures -- Before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology -- June 13, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 9.8M
  • HEARING -- What Resources Should be Used to Control Illegal Immigration at the Border and Within the Interior? -- Before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and the Technology -- June 12, 1995 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 5.5M
  • HEARING -- The Need for FDA Regulatory Reform to Protect the Health and Safety of Americans -- before the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, And Regulatory Affairs -- June 9, 1995 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 6M
  • HEARING -- Combined Federal Campaign: Lawyers and Lobbyists vs. People in Need? -- Before the Subcommittee On Civil Service -- June 7, 1995 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 7M
  • HEARING -- Corporate Structures for Government Functions -- Before the Subcommittee on Government Management Information and Technology -- June 6, 1995 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 12M
  • HEARING -- Regulations Under the Clean Air, Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water Acts and the Need for Reform -- Before the Subcommittee on National Econonmic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs -- May 26, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 9M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 1670, The Federal Acquisition Reform Act of 1995 -- Before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and Oversight and the Committee on National Security -- May 25, 1995 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 6.8M
  • HEARING -- Ramspeck Act: Repeal, Reform, or Retention -- May 24, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3.3M
  • HEARING -- Waste in Human Service Programs: Other Perspectives -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- May 23, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 14M
  • HEARING -- Oversight Hearing on the Corporation for National and Community Service -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- May 18, 1995 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 6.8M
  • HEARING -- Buyouts: Boon or Boondoggle? -- Before the Subcommittee on Civil Service -- May 17, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5M
  • HEARING -- Consolidating Federal Programs and Organizations -- Before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology -- May 16 and May 23, 1995 - TEXT 1K | PDF 12M
  • HEARING -- Consolidating and Restructuring the Executive Branch -- May 16, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 8.1M
  • HEARING -- Strengthening Departmental Management Within the Federal Government -- May 9, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 10.1M
  • HEARING -- The General Services Administration's Security Measures at Federal Office Buildings -- Before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information Technology -- May 3, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3.9M
  • HEARING -- Joint Hearing on Privatizing Government Sponsored Entities (GSEs) -- Before the Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education, Training and Life-Long Learning -- May 3, 1995 - TEXT 1.7K | PDF 3.8M
  • HEARING -- The National Performance Review -- Before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology -- May 2, 1995 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 6M
  • HEARING -- Corrections Day Policy and Procedures -- Before the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs -- May 2, 1995 - TEXT 1.4K | PDF 4M
  • HEARING -- The Need for Regulatory Reform -- Before the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs -- April 17, 1995 - TEXT 303K | PDF 3.1M
  • HEARING -- Contracting Out: Current Issues -- Before the Subcommittee on Civil Service -- April 5, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.2M
  • HEARING -- Contracting Out: Summary and Overview -- Before the Subcommittee on Civil Service, March 29, 1995 - TEXT 1.1K | PDF 4M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 994, Regulatory Sunset and Review Act of 1995 -- Before the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs -- March 28 and May 2, 1995 - TEXT 1.4K | PDF 9.2M
  • HEARING -- Post Federal Telecommunications System (Post-FTS2000) Acquisition Strategy -- Before the Subcommittee 0n Government Management, Information, and Technology -- March 21, 28 and July 20, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 13.3M
  • HEARING -- Post Federal Telecommunications System (Post-FTS2000) Acquisition Strategy -- Before the Subcommittee 0n Government Management, Information, and Technology -- March 21, 28 and July 20, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 13.3M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 461, Closing of Lorton Correction Complex -- Before the Subcommittee on the District of Columbia -- March 17 and June 7, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 10M
  • HEARING -- Title IV of H.R. 11, the Family Reinforcement Act -- Before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology -- March 16, 1995 - TEXT 1.4K | PDF 4M
  • HEARING -- The Federal Role in Privatization -- Before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology -- March 14, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.8M
  • HEARING -- Agency Oversight: Department of Veterans Affairs -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- March 13, and May 9, 1995 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 5.8M
  • HEARING -- Oversight Hearing on the Department of Education -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources, and Intergovernmental Relations -- March 13 and April 6, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.9M
  • HEARING -- Federal Retirement System -- Congressional Pensions -- Before the Subcommittee on Civil Service -- March 10, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5M
  • HEARING -- Oversight Hearing on the Department of Labor -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources -- March 9, and April 4, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5M
  • HEARING -- Effectiveness of the National Drug Control Strategy and the Staus of the Drug War -- Before the National Security, International Affairs, and Criminal Justice Subcommittee -- March 9 and April 6, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 11.6M
  • HEARING -- Capital Budgeting -- Before the Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology -- March 8, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.3M
  • HEARING -- Financial Control Boards -- Before the Subcommittee on the District of Columbia -- March 8, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.3M
  • HEARING -- Federal Retirement System -- Overview -- Before the Subcommittee on Civil Service -- March 7, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6M
  • HEARING -- Integrity of Government Documents -- Before the National Security, International Affairs, and Criminal Justice Subcommittee -- March 7, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6M
  • HEARING -- Oversight Hearing un the Department of Labor -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- March 9 and April 4, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5.9M
  • HEARING -- Actions Taken by Five Cities to Restore their Financial Health -- Subcommittee on the District of Columbia -- March 2, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 5M
  • HEARING -- Federal Workforce Restructuring Statistics -- Before the Subcommittee on Subcommittee on Civil Service -- March 2, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 3.2M
  • HEARING -- The Mission of HHS -- Before the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations -- March 1 and 22, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 11.3M
  • HEARING -- Simplifying and Streamling the Federal Procurement Process -- Before the Subcommittee on the Government Management, Information, and Technology -- February 28, 1995 - TEXT 1.2K | PDF 11M
  • HEARING -- General Oversight of the U.S. Postal Service -- Before the Subcommittee on the Postal Service -- February 23, March 2 and 8; May 23; and June 7, 14, and 28, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 41M
  • HEARING -- Oversight Hearing on DC Finances -- Before the Subcommittee on the District of Columbia -- February 22, 1995 - TEXT 2K PDF 7.2M
  • HEARING -- Oversight of Implementation of Federal Acquisition Streamling Act of 1994 -- Before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and Oversight -- February 21, 1995 - TEXT 1.1K | PDF 7.2M
  • HEARING -- Oversight Hearing on the Department of Housing and Urban Development -- February 13 and 22, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 7M
  • HEARING -- Restructuring of the Office of Personnel Management -- February 7, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 6.7M
  • HEARING -- H.R. 830, Paperwork Reduction Act and Risk Assessment and Cost/Benefit Analysis for New Regulations -- Before the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs -- February 7, 1995 - TEXT 1.7K | PDF 4.8M
  • HEARING -- Regulatory Transition Act of 1995 and Clean Air Act Regulations -- Before the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs -- February 2, 1995 - TEXT 1K | PDF 3.3M
  • HEARING -- Contract with America-Savings and Investment -- January 24, 25, 26, 31; and February 1, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 111M
  • HEARING -- The Regulatory Transition Act of 1995 -- January 19, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 11M
  • HEARING -- Line-Item Veto -- January 12, 1995 - TEXT 2K | PDF 9M