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Going down into the cellar to shoot mice.
@haslo Back everything up. It works fine, WP2.7 is better and faster and the templates work OK, but auto upgrde deletes some random plugins!
Unbelievable: sent out an email newsletter for a client to nearly 500 submitted addresses and not one of them bounced. A miracle.
Been briefed on a big project for 2009. Said that we should do all the production in-house... should be a great experience!
Upgrading WordPress automatically? BEWARE:it has a tendency to delete random plugins!!!
@glitteringcloud Hab's in November schon ausprobiert. Passt mir leider nicht :-p
@paulshadwell That's funny, that's similar to what someone else here just said. Loudly.
@philippewiget Wish I could make it, but I can neither afford nor justify it as a hobby expense :-)
Snow in Bern: picturesque view over the Aare this morning:
Everyone else having office-made Käseschnitte for lunch. The kitchen smells like the inside of a raclette factory.
Office colleagues think it's funny I change btw. office and winter shoes in snowy weather. The difference between city and mountain ppl. :-)
RT @choochootheband: CHOO CHOO Group on Flickr. If you got some shots of us, feel free to add them to the group :-)
Continually astounded that programmers still make browser-based CMS which aren't Mac-compatible, although Macs have been here since '84.
SMS messaging direct from Gmail (US only for now):
Yan Choo's garden looking pretty in the snow (@choochootheband) :-)
Everything delayed, including me. At least the city's pretty while I'm waiting.
Total closing down sales at Woolworths UK. The end of an era.
You think things are white until it snows. Then you know they're yellowed and grotty.


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