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Noticing a lot of "snuggie sleeved blanket" spam and making a mental note to stop tweeting about being cold.
Wondering how much longer I can sustain the "No central heating during daylight hours" rule. Time for another hot drink.
Shouting with frustration. Dental appt that I've been psyching myself up for over last 2 months has just been cancelled with 3 hrs notice.
Regretting spending most of the evening watching Iron Man: basically, Rambo with (more) metal & very dodgy "pacifism via firepower" ethos.
Spotting that I've mis-typed client Alan's name as "Anal" JUST in the nick of time. Phew.
Packaging. It's reminding me that I have Christmas presents to wrap, which is never a task undertaken with good grace.
Herding small children & teenagers. I am shattered.
Going to see the reindeer.
Preparing for massive influx/outflux/reflux of nieces & nephews. It's gonna be one of those weekends.
Having a Mars/Venus conversation with the Mrs. If I get out of her way she will "relax faster", apparently. Biting my tongue. Hard.
Considering doing something rash involving a painting and a sum of money that I don't actually have.
Telling myself to GET OFF THE COMPUTER AND LEAVE THE HOUSE. The first thing that I do, of course, is Twitter this.
Wondering about "random". Of 6 "random" pics in my Flickr badge, 2 are from one set and 3 from another. (Must re-read iTunes doc on this.)
Trying to wake up. Xmas presents to be bought, friends to be phoned, coffee to be drunk, paintings to be viewed.
Rushing round in headless chicken mode. Should have left the house an hour ago.
Thinking that MT/WP could do with some kind of Flickr-like "guest pass" thingy to allow off-system readers to view draft posts for approval.
@anniemole: Spotted sign at London Bridge (rail) yesterday: "Train drivers must not be disturbed." Recruitment criterion? :-)
Listening to the Rhydian album, which the Mrs is playing in the kitchen. It's not exactly my kind of thing, but God, that guy can sing.
Discovering that I have a perfectly valid reason for avoiding being filmed, rather than having to make one up. Phew.
Catching up. The merry-go-round is beginning to spin...


Caroline vOdB Chris pixeldiva Meg Pickard Mo Status Updates Mike T-D Gert anna pickard Unreliable Witness Sarah diamond geezer astaa bob Pete Ashton kateyay Paul Freeman Stuart Tim S Annie Mole SwissToni Gordon McLean Caroline Lyle k Gavin Friday muraii Anna Jay Dave Bonta qarrtsiluni modsue cern