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On the movie subject, still no "Slumdog" or "Milk" to be seen anywhere in Edmonton. I really don't understand.
Heading for food and then the Truffaut double feature at the Metro.
@meowrey haha but I think you need to end with a never answered question. "even if it's only a coat, can we admit when things don't work?"
is high on math.
is a gunslinger, not a gunfighter.
a little too excited that they used "Slow Show" for the end of the latest Gossip Girl episode. even though they weirdly butchered it.
why can't I favorite things on facebook? i have been trained to verb things. i look for the button even.
all posts must be last waltz related!
twitter can be a mob maker sometimes. yikes. if people have to explain every joke they make they are gonna stop making them.
@zeldman this is turning into a bit of a twitter problem. Never has not getting a joke been so quick and so public. Scolds pile on.
@bit64 A Christmas market! See this is just what I'm talking about(jealous of). Don't you people have malls?!
Rick Steve's Christmas in Europe Special is making Christmas in North America look like a sham. Prob because none of it is set in a mall.
christmas shopping partly foiled by the apple store being down, but i guess they will have some black friday deals tomorrow.
getting all of my christmas shopping done tonight. online.
Dude is standing on table, playing a guitar and singing in Spanish. His friend is holding cue cards and videotaping. Stunting for an A.
@mastermaq yeah it's always hard to tell if it's some publicists idea, soon to die or if anyone is actually interested in keeping it going.
@clnt oh man Dave @RutherfordShow is on twitter. Canadian right wing talk radio is so adorable.
loving @premierstelmach 's feed. He is on a world tour explaining how Alberta is CARBON CAPTURE AND STORAGE GUYS! WE IS GREEN NOT DIRTY!
"we'll put a boot in your ass, it's the American way" has always been is my fav real Toby Keith line.


Evan Williams Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Buzz Andersen Nick Douglas President Monteiro lane Glenda Dan Cederholm Jack Robert S Andersen Veronica Belmont fake mat honan Hickensian Yoz Tom Coates Craig John Gruber teh_real_chock Rex Sorgatz Jeffrey Zeldman Dean Cameron Allen Rishabh Kumar John Siracusa Amy Jane Gruber Steven Frank hotdogsladies Bit64 jesse Dean Hall Scott Simpson Jason Kottke lindsay robertson Steven Johnson Jessica Haralson Leo Laporte