Congressman Diane E. Watson - Representing California's 33rd Congressional District
For Immediate Release
April 28, 2005
Contact: Bert Hammond
(202) 225-7084

Lois Hill Hale
(323) 965-1422
Republican Budget Widens Gap
Between “Haves” and Have Nots”

(Washington, DC)— Congresswoman Diane E. Watson (CA-33rd) issued the following statement on the Republican budget resolution conference report, which will be voted on in the House today:

“The Republican budget conference report is but another example of Republican irresponsibility that widens the income and benefits gap between the fortunate and less fortunate in our society.  The plan relies on cuts in farm, student loan, and pension programs.  It uses every penny of the Social Security trust fund surplus to finance Republican deficits.  It makes the deficit bigger, not smaller, over the next five years.  It cuts funding for key services, such as Medicaid, that Americans rely on.  And it opens the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling through a budgetary sleight of hand.

“Most galling, the Republican budget resolution, like the President’s budget, makes room for new tax cuts–$106 billion over five years.  In short, this budget rewards those who need it least and further penalizes Americans with healthcare, education, and retirement needs.

“In typical Republican style, the budget resolution conference report did not become available for review by Democrats until this afternoon.  The bill will be brought up under a “martial law” rule allowing for same day consideration, which prohibits Members from adequately reviewing the $2.6 trillion budget before today’s floor consideration.

“This budget is outrageously irresponsible.  I voted against the House Republican budget and I will vote against this conference report, which is nothing more than a back room deal for special interests.”