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Holy cow! My buddy Danny Brown (@PressReleasePR) is Social Media Today's Blogger of the Week: Well earned, my friend.
@mikekmcclure Yeah, that's me on the left. Didn't catch the chick's name. truth be told, she seemed a bit flighty ;)
@UpsideUp "Well, I swallowed all your ideas. I'm going to digest them and see what comes out the other end."
Am thinking more and more about this: Is Social Media Scalable? From @BethHarte What do you think?
@englishinvader So you don't cook plum pudding every Christmas? Darn. Was hiping you'd be the authority ;)
@karllong Looking forward to that post - hoping we can kill MLM spam and save twitter.
@PressReleasePR Just tried Social Mention for my name and got a Yahoo post about bologna sandwiches and blue balloons. Amazingly accurate!
@KellyOlexa Looks like it's some sort of fruitcake - I know Brits call dessert "pudding."
@KellyOlexa @katbron Betcha @EnglishInvader could tell you something about plum pudding - it's an English dish.
Retweeting @jeaston1: Want to get the most from LinkedIn? Follow @chiplambert73, networking trainer.
Columnist @JeffElder is offering $100 iTunes card for the best plot suggestion for his twitter serial about sexy wolf people. See @wolfstory
Cool: @jeffelder, Charlotte columnist and Stanford scholar, is writing a twitter serial about prowling she-wolves at @wolfstory
Tribune, largest emp-owned media co. in U.S., could be preparing to file for bankruptcy Wonder how many this will affect?
@DamienBasile Great conversation, Damien-all going to the bigger question of how we can better manage SM and get the most from it. Thanks :)
@DamienBasile Exactly! So that means he has foresight we can all benefit from.
@DamienBasile Sorry, Damien, but I just don't see it that way. He is paving the way for others to use twitter effectively...
@DamienBasile But I don't want ppl like Scoble to give up on twitter. Let him be part of the conv. that improves it so he'll keep using it.
@RichBecker Right, but that doesn't make Scoble wrong. Scoble's perspective is different - and valid.
@KrisColvin Excellent point, Kris. Twitter currently DISCOURAGES conv. for the most popular tweeters.
@DamienBasile Yes, but the beauty of twitter is that someone like me can tap into Scoble's expertise - but only if it's easy for him too.


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