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239 Cannon Building
Washington, DC 20515
202-226-3805 (fax)

39300 Civic Center Dr.
Suite 220
Fremont, CA 94538
510-494-5852 (fax)

How Congress Works

How Our Laws Are Made
Enactment of a Law: House vs. Senate
The Legislative Process: Tying it All Together

House Floor Procedure
House Floor Rules

Frequently Asked Questions
What does it mean to sponsor or cosponsor legislation?

Sponsoring legislation means one is the primary author of the bill. Any member of the House may cosponsor any other member's legislation as a sign of their support for the measure. Members may cosponsor legislation after it is introduced and before it is considered by one of the congressional committees; once a committee has considered, or "marked up," the bill additional cosponsors may not be added.