Thursday, December 4, 2008 | View previous editions


With Key Agency's Reversal, Final Approval Is Expected
Federal regulators have approved a long-awaited extension of Metrorail to Tysons Corner and Dulles International Airport, virtually assuring construction of a $5.2 billion project that regional leaders say is crucial to ease congestion and spur economic growth in Northern Virginia.
Intervention Would Aim to Buoy the Housing Market by Forcing Down the Cost of Loans
The Treasury Department is strongly considering a plan to intervene directly in the mortgage industry to dramatically force down rates and stimulate the moribund housing market, according to sources familiar with the proposal.
Network of Supporters Tapped on Health-Care Issues
Barack Obama's incoming administration has begun to draw on the high-tech organizational tools that helped get him elected to lay the groundwork for an attempt to restructure the U.S. health-care system.
Va. Man Spends $1 Million on Inaugural Package for Disadvantaged
It was billed as the biggest, most eye-popping of the inauguration hotel packages: the JW Marriott's $1 million "build-your-own-ball" offer. You get 300 rooms, four suites, $200,000 worth of food and drink, and a primo site overlooking the Pennsylvania Avenue parade route.
MEXICO CITY -- The death squads of the drug cartels are killing in spectacularly gruesome ways, using the violence as a language to deliver a message to society.
Capital One, a leading credit card company, plans to announce today that it will buy Chevy Chase Bank, a landmark Washington financial firm with branches throughout the region, according to sources familiar with the matter.
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