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Export Import Bank of the United States




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Multi-Buyer, Bank Letter of Credit and Repetitive Policy Holders, Insurance Brokers, Delegated Authority Lenders and City-State Partners

FROM: Ex-Im Bank Business Development
SUBJECT: Country Limitation Schedule (CLS)

Cover Policy Changes: A new CLS with the following cover policy changes is effective October 2, 2008:


Opened for long-term transactions in the private sector.

Belize: Opened for short-, medium-, and long-term transactions in the public sector and opened for long-term transactions in the private sector.
Cameroon: Opened for short- and medium-term transactions in the public sector and opened for long-term transactions in the private sector.
Ecuador: Opened for short- and medium-term transactions in the public sector.
Grenada: Opened for short- and medium-term transactions in the public sector.
Libya: Opened for short- and medium-term transactions in the private sector.
Serbia: Opened for long-term transactions in the public sector.

Note Changes: Please also be advised that changes to Notes have been made with respect to the following countries:


Removed Note # 13


Removed Note #13


Added Notes # 4 and 5
Removed Note # 11a

Ecuador: Added Note # 5
Grenada: Added Note # 5
Libya: Added Note # 4
Mali: Added Note # 4
Serbia: Removed Note # 13

For more information, please visit Ex-Im Bank’s website at www.exim.gov or call

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Country Limitation Schedule

Export-Import Bank of the United States
Revised: October 2, 2008




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