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Forget the economy for a sec-someone needs to do something about the serious lack of outdoor extension cords-have been to 4 stores-nothing!
Listening to Love Remains The Same--really love this song
Pitiful dog giving me sad eyes cause I won't let her lay on me-she had to settle on Andru
The beginnings to the exhausting labor of decorating our house-put the lights up wrong & had to do again-Argh
Just realized that the time I had set aside to put up lights is thwarted by Alijah having gymnastics class-DOH!
Ok, well, it was 16 minutes--let's be clear
Feeling pretty out-of-shape when after doing Wii fit for 15 minutes, I feel like I'm gonna die
@nestep is she listing this stuff anywhere like Craigslist or just have to come and see?
At Freddy's in the slowest line possible
@nestep, although it is interesting to know what u were writing about, when I asked "what kind of stuff", was asking about neighbors stuff
Why am I so motivated to organize in the evenings but cant get my butt up to do it in the morning? Time to MOOOVE!
@nestep, what kind of stuff?
@craxy -YES-someone else who can smell snow! Andru thinks Im nuts & making it up but everytime I say it-it snows!
@Mister_Gosh Don't know if that or a blowout is worse, someone gets to clean the poo off the clothes & rug while other one hoses kid down;)
Took Andru for spa day fir his Bday but don't think he enjoyed it as much as I did;(
@nestep-that happens to me all the time too! Not only coffee but recipes that require liquid!


adam Josh Bancroft Minger Teresa Valdez Klein Anders Pedersen Nancy White Sarah Austin Christian Burns Twitterrific JulieLeung Greg Chris Pirillo Jenny Lewis Mark Grace  Andru Edwards Sparky Nate True Chuck Lawson jesse  The Bleeding Edge  Gear J Calacanis Ponzi Pirillo zuozuolee Daniel bob rains Chetan Bhawani emmylou alviola SomaCow Peter & Donna Veronica Santiago Ben VanWinkle Don Juan Tenorio tomo3 Trendio J