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thanks to all who came out tonight to hear me play PRT records and talk about AC/DC with me. I give you:
Yo seriously, where is @soundboy?
Found @soundboy, @bobmoz, and @kampers at the airport, flew home with two of them. See you at Topspin, homies.
Bart to sfo rules. At sfo. Apparently @soundboy is on my flight!
Moving the meetup from Bar Chloe to the Topspin offices in Santa Monica tonight. RSVP yes and the address will come:
Just landed sfo. Was listening to flac files through the Dre headphones on the plane. Holy shit they sound amazing.
headed to SF now but I'll be back in time to meet @soundboy), and you're invited: RSVP on the off chance we change venue.
Seymour Stein: "We could have invented the iPod if it wasn't for those meddling kids!"
I have to admit the Y! reunion was fun. I miss those people. oh and the Portishead record 0wnz.
Listening to Portishead's Third, biking over to Bodega for Scott Moore's farwell
New Jay-Z/Santogold video and, um, source code? yes. source code. rad sabbath.
here's today's "sesame street was awesome" moment from the "old school vol 2" dvd:
@cody: that Fucked Up record is good but Torche wins hands-down for actually pulling off "downtuned, triumphant, *and* melodic"
via paranorm, what @tmread wants for xmas: the keith emerson statuette
need to stop talking to @bobmoz in IRC and get back to the email if I want to get to bed before midnight tonight
I used to kick Rob Francis' ass at this game at Spaceport: ENGAGE!
Pandora #1 on the iPhone w/2M downloads: Congrats Tim, Tom, and the crew!
Listening to classic Dead Horse: thanks Pat D! buy here:
I have two bluetooth headsets and zero chargers. if only one could charge the other.
ok seriously. I've had an abnormal number of followers today, and y'all don't look like spammers. where are you coming from? welcome!


Chris Sacca danah boyd seanbonner Xeni Jardin michael derek dukes kareem Mr Messina Joe Hayashi Jeff Bonforte Dean Hudson Jason Calacanis Amy Raymond evany Andy Abramson Kaliel Roberts Wally Punsapy Stewart Butterfield Caterina brian cors phillip Lance Nishihira Tom Conrad greg cohn cody simms Leonard jbum Nate Koechley Bradley Horowitz Mickipedia patrick barry aa J-Strizzle Andy Baio noah kagan Marco Boerries
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