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@amykchulik Yesss seeing him tomorrow! I hear he has a farm in france.
"This must be what going to church feels like for people who believe" -friend after seeing Squarepusher live
@factoryjoe you know about Ethan Kaplan and his drupal efforts at Warner Music (not the parent company WMG), too right? @ethank
I wonder how many startups will be re-inventing scrobbling in the next few months? I count 2 so far...
@loudersoft I give up trying to figure out which one is real, but the @kanyewest was cool, that I know. The man with the underscore sucks
The real @kanye_west is pathetically lame on twitter, I want the fake one back, he was cool!
@jacobpicorale ugh, the real @kanye_west is v. boring then, it's mini announcement/pr crap you'd expect :(
Oh no, @kanyewest is gone! Did he say "what the fuck is twitter?"and get kicked off?
A Dreamhost support man just put a ^_^ into his signature, badass
Anyone know a premium DNS host with a) great uptime b) great ui c) fair price? DNS Made Easy only has a) and c)
Europeans trains, moments and colors: from earlier this year
Not one but two shows I'd *love* to see on Thurs? Oh New York... Bon Iver vs. Sebastien Tellier, ST wins this time
Asthmatic Kitty is selling Grampall Jookabox's album for price based on its Pitchfork review: $5.40 (for a 5.4):
Мой друг из Исландии @HaukurSM вдохновил меня на что–то новое / My Icelandic friend @HaukurSM inspired me to try something new...
Wooo Passion Pit is fun!
Eclectic Method is megabadass: - new a/v mixtape, pay what you want.
@robinlisle this crew was light on the neg-ing, more about asking questions people would answer yes to, some got personalized ones though
This is such an uphill battle, new yorkers without headphones are tough, and ones with are tougher
Watching a team of 5 guys work a part of union sq to sell spa "deals", haircuts, etc to passerby women, the diff approaches are interesting
re-discovering the incredible "Just watch the sky" ( [via @gtmcknight]. So hot!


Biz Stone Evan Williams Joe Lazarus Brad Barrish Nick Douglas brandon Mr Messina Nabeel Hyatt Michael Young Eric Wahlforss Dave Morin Alexander Ljung Jason Calacanis Kyle Bunch naveen Toby Josh Knowles Cal Henderson Martin Jason Fields Andrew Parker Amit superamit Gupta avner ronen Nick Sears Jeremy Keith Irene Tien Tantek Çelik Zach Klein David Stone Natalie Paul Love Tom Conrad Ben Ward Josh Russell maura Jessica
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