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Just done my 1 minute pitch for Mazzini at #bcliverpool wonder if I'll make the second round?
Joy. Just getting my talk ready for #bcliverpool and I've blue-screened my laptop...
Getting lunch at #bcliverpool
Anyone who mentions #bubblino or #bcliverpool on twitter will cause bubblino to blow bubbles here at Barcamp Liverpool
Success! #bubblino has spotted his first mention of #bcliverpool :-) Bubblino is a twitter-watching, bubble-blowing arduino bot
Aha, I now have internet access. Wondering if #bubblino is alive now...
The benefits of living 5 mins walk from barcamp Liverpool #bcliverpool - I can nip home when I forget a cable
Making steady progress, but not quickly enough. Not sure if I'll make the pre- #barcampliverpool drinks tonight :-(
@cowboycoder I'm sure looking at an old perl script is the official way to start a new one :-) Now reading Dive Into Pyton, ta @awhitehouse
Wondering if #bubblino is alive...
Now need to learn python to reimplement perl script for N95. Realising too late that I should've installed python on my PC and done it once
Writing perl. Haven't done that in quite some time.
@awhitehouse focusing on my presentation for #barcampliverpool at the minute, but will be looking at giving my power monitor control next
Arduino code for #barcampliverpool written in the downtime waiting for my train back from London. Result.
@martinbrown pretty sure I'd be free on the 16th. Will double-check diary when I get back
@awhitehouse I'll send you the link to last night's wii-mote presentation when it gets posted
Watching APT in Crewe being passed by its spiritual successor the Pendolino and pondering what might've been
@katielips cool. Haven't been to the Fly yet but it's just down the road :-) will be there if I get my talk written in time
RT katielips: OK so, pre #barcampliverpool drinks Friday from 8.30 (for a quiet one), Fly in the Loaf, Hardman Street (lovely real ale pub).
On train down to London but disappointed by the lack of power sockets. Hoping my battery survives until I install python on my phone


Mark Simpkins russell Chris Adams Stuart Andrew Disley Dave Verwer Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Geoff Nigel Crawley Mike Kuniavsky Tom Reynolds Imran Ali Rob Annable Mike T-D John McKerrell Don McAllister Ross San Sharma 3GSM Conference Paul Robinson Andrew Whitehouse Andrew Williams Tim Waters Jeff Veit Gordon McLean Chris Dalby Phil Clark Jon Tim O'Reilly Jodie Miners Michael Nolan Stuart Ian Burns Martin Owen