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November 26, 2008

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Jeannine Mjoseth,
Mamie Bittner,

IMLS Publishes FY 2007 State Library Agency Report

Washington, DC—The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) issued its second library statistics report on state library agencies in the 50 states and the District of Columbia for state fiscal year (FY) 2007. The State Library Agency Report for FY 2007 includes a wide array of information on topics such as libraries’ Internet access and electronic services, collections, staff, and revenue. The survey provides state and federal policymakers, researchers, and other interested users information on the range of roles played by state library agencies and the financial, human, and informational resources invested in the agencies’ work.

“State library agencies provide a vast amount of high-quality services to the public, which the report deftly captures. It is a critically important tool for decision makers who want to support and advance the library services that are important to us all,“ said Anne-Imelda M. Radice, IMLS Director.

This report presents selected findings and background information about the survey. Findings in FY 2007 include the following:

  • The number of book and serial volumes held by state library agencies totaled 24.1 million.
  • There were 1.6 million visits to state library agencies.
  • All state library agencies facilitated library access to the Internet.
  • The total number of budgeted full-time-equivalent (FTE) positions in state library agencies was 3,500 as of October 1, 2007.
  • State library agencies reported total expenditures of $1.2 billion.
  • State library agencies reported total revenue of $1.2 billion.
  • All state libraries agencies provided administration of IMLS funding through the Grants to States program; library statistics; library planning, evaluation, and research; and review of technology plans for the E-rate telecommunications discount program.

The body of this report is composed of tables providing an overview of state library agencies during the 2007 fiscal year. The tables present data on seven main topics:

  1. Collections: describes state library holdings of materials in various formats.
  2. Service Transactions: characterizes library use, such as circulation and reference transactions.
  3. Internet Access and Electronic Services: describes the efforts of agencies to facilitate internet access among libraries in their states, as well as the availability of statewide electronic services, information, and networks.
  4. Staffing and Public Service Hours: staffing levels and the functions performed by employees of state library agencies, as well as the number of public service hours during a typical week.
  5. Expenditures: describes how state library funds are expended.
  6. Revenue: identifies various sources of revenue.
  7. Services to Libraries and Cooperatives: identifies activities and programs that support public, academic, school, special libraries, and library cooperatives.

The list of respondents for this survey is based on the list that the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies (COSLA) maintains of state library agencies. The FY 2007 survey is the 14th in the StLA series. The data upon which this report is based are final. The survey’s 100 percent response rate results from the cooperative effort between, IMLS, COSLA, and the U.S. Census Bureau.

For more information on library statistics, visit

The report is available in PDF format at:

The data is available in Access and Flat (ascii) File format at:

About the Institute of Museum and Library Services
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation's 122,000 libraries and 17,500 museums. The Institute's mission is to create strong libraries and museums that connect people to information and ideas. The Institute works at the national level and in coordination with state and local organizations to sustain heritage, culture, and knowledge; enhance learning and innovation; and support professional development. To learn more about the Institute, please visit


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