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Holiday Spending: Keep Control, Have a Plan
Paying shopping bills

The nation’s financial crisis is casting a shadow on Christmas. Unemployment rates are high, and budgets are tight. The financial uncertainty has many people cutting back this holiday season. LSU AgCenter family economist Jeanette Tucker recommends approaching spending this season the way one should every year – with a plan and a budget, even if that budget is smaller this year.

Stretching Your Food Dollar
There are lots of ways you can stretch your food dollar. You can save by packing your own lunch, eating out less, and by bringing snacks, coffee or soft drinks from home. There are ways to save on groceries too.

The Effect of Federal Rate Cuts on Consumers
We hear and read about Federal Reserve rate changes, but we don't always understand how they affect us as consumers. The Fed's rate changes take time to filter down through the economy to consumers. Rate changes can be good news / bad news scenarios. What's the bottom line for you as a consumer?

Financial tips offered for marital harmony
(Distributed 01/15/08) The church and reception hall are reserved, the dress is selected, the invitations are addressed, the photographer and caterer are ready. You might even have your new residence “ready-to-go.”

Financial Security in Later Life
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Preparing for retirement and potential long-term care costs takes planning, saving and debt control.
Bill-paying Responsibility Looms For Teens Leaving The Nest
Independent spending decisions quickly become an everyday routine for college students, but that independence assumes a financial freedom that most young adults are not prepared to handle, according to LSU AgCenter family economics specialist Dr. Jeanette Tucker.
What Color Is Your Money?
What color is your money?
Money values can cause conflict in relationships. Financial issues are among the leading causes of divorce. Stress and health problems can be cause by worry over money. We learn our money values from many sources. What does money mean to you? Test yourself now.
How to Handle Checking Account Problems
Account verification companies keep track of overdrafts and account closures for banks and credit unions. If you believe there are errors on your record, disputes can be filed with the companies.
Children and Money Management
Although it takes years for children to develop a sound sense of money and how to use it, summer provides a perfect time for parents to lay a foundation for children to form positive money management skills.
Family Economist Offers Tips to Teens Leaving the Nest
(Distributed 7/11/03) Moving away from home for the first time is a pivotal moment in life. It is one of the rights of passage from youth to adulthood, according to LSU AgCenter family economics specialist Dr. Jeanette Tucker.
Family Economist Outlines Budgeting for College
(Distributed 7/11/03) Financing a college education is often a partnership involving the student, family, school and lending agency. LSU AgCenter family economics professor Dr. Jeanette Tucker encourages college students to find out each partner’s responsibility.
Children in the Middle Series: Separating Your Finances
Children in the Middle Series
Marriage is a financial partnership. Divorce means more than separating a family physically. It also means separating a family financially. Suggestions for preparing for financial separation, dividing property, dealing with debt and dividing assets and property are included.
When Your Income Drops
A sudden reduction in family income can be a traumatic experience, both psychologically and financially. The hardship can be minimized with a proactive approach.
Make Spending Choices to Reach Your Goals
We have lots of choices to make about how to spend our money. These choices determine if we have the money to get the things we really need and want. Follow these tips to make the best spending choices for you and your family. PDF Format Only