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Louisiana Figs

Varieties, nutritional value, fig facts and simple methods of food preservation so you can enjoy Louisiana figs all year long. (PDF Format Only)

Enjoy Pecans Longer With Proper Handling
(Distributed 11/13/07) Pecans are nutritious, tasty treats that literally fall from trees. They should be handled properly to ensure that their flavor and quality remain until the next harvest, according to LSU AgCenter horticulturist Dr. John Pyzner.

Canning Tomatoes and Tomato Juice
canning tomatoes

Most tomatoes are high in natural acids and traditionally have been canned in a boiling water bath. Recent research shows that for some products pressure canning gives a higher-quality, more nutritious product. Use these step-by-step instructions to successfully can your tomatoes. (PDF Format Only)

Blueberries Offer Nutritional Bonuses

Blueberries contain vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and phytochemicals that help protect against disease, including certain cancers and heart disease.

Peaches – A Louisiana Treat
Peaches are a wonderful Louisiana treat. Fresh Louisiana peaches are available from mid-May to early August, with the peak season from mid-June until mid-July. The national peak period is July through August.
Freezing Yams or Sweet Potatoes
Freezing Yams or Sweet Potatoes
The Louisiana yam is an exceptional type of sweet potato, sweet and flavorful, with a soft moist flesh. It is delicious whether baked, boiled, fried, mashed, candied or used in hundreds of other ways — from main dishes to desserts. This publication includes information on the nutritive value, selection and preparations for freezing, boiling or candying yams or sweet potatoes.
Freezing Leafy Greens
Freezing Leafy Greens
Greens are one of the few fresh vegetables that grow well in the late fall, winter and early spring. Greens make significant contributions of nutrients to the diet and can be served in a variety of ways.
Freezing Fruits
freezing fruits
You can enjoy the delicious flavor of fresh fruits year-round by freezing fruits and berries during the short season when they are plentiful and relatively inexpensive. Freezing will not improve the quality of any food but will maintain it if the procedures recommended in this publication are followed.
Berry Pickin' Time in Louisiana
Berry Pickin' Time
Wild blackberries and dewberries have long been treasured for cobblers, jellies, jams and other tasty dishes. Learn how to pick, use, freeze, can and make syrups, jellies and jams. Recipes included.
Chancellor's Challenge