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Home exhibits energy-saving techniques
(Radio News 08/18/08) With rising energy costs, energy efficiency is now on the minds of many homeowners. Homeowners and potential homeowners can see examples of simple ways on up to high-end means of reducing the energy consumption of a home by visiting LaHouse, the LSU AgCenter’s demonstration home. (Runtime: 60 seconds)

Traveling with children can be fun or frantic
(Radio News 06/30/08) Are we there yet? That is the question many have heard during car or plane trips. Family vacations can be fun or frantic, but LSU AgCenter family life specialist Dr Diane Sasser says proper planning is essential to keep it from being too frenzied. (Runtime: 60 seconds)

Learning doesn't take a break during summer
(Radio News 06/30/08) Learning does not stop when the school year ends. Parents need to find productive and fun ways for youngsters to spend their days, says LSU AgCenter family life specialist Dr. Diane Sasser. (Runtime: 60 seconds)

Prepare children for potential storms
(Radio News 06/16/08) Most children are naturally inquisitive and when a storm is approaching, your child may have many questions. LSU AgCenter family life specialist Dr. Diane Sasser says you should be prepared to answer these questions before they are asked. (Runtime: 60 seconds)

Economist offers financial advice to young adults
(Radio News 06/02/08) The end of the year provides the perfect opportunity for young adults to learn how to be smart about their finances. LSU AgCenter family economist Dr. Jeanette Tucker talks about a few financial prinicples. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Summer activities for 'tweens'
(Radio News 06/02/08) Summer is here, and many parents are wondering what to do with their tweens – children between the ages of 10 and 13 who aren’t quite teenagers yet but are old enough to want some independence. LSU AgCenter family life specialist Dr. Diane Sasser has some ideas.
Summer camp options are plentiful
(Radio News 06/02/08) Summer camps provide fun and educational experiences for youngsters, and parents have many options when choosing where to send their children. LSU AgCenter family development specialist Dr. Diane Sasser has advice for picking the right camp. (Runtime: 60 seconds)
Homesickness can strike at summer camp
(Radio News 06/02/08) Some children experience homesickness when they are away during the summer. LSU AgCenter family development specialist Dr. Diane Sasser says parents must be careful when dealing with such issues. (Runtime: 60 seconds)