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Sign Up to use the Registry
The Rebuilding Registry allows contractors to offer rebuilding services in parishes they serve. It allows property owners to search for those services, to "tell" contractors about their rebuilding projects, and to rate contractors who have worked for them. All users of the registry - contractors and property owners - must create a user account. The registry is a free service of the state. Signing up is easy.

Rate a Contractor
The Registry allows property owners to rate contractors who have worked for them, and let others know whether the recommend that contractor. Property owners find contractors by search for the contractor's company name or by searching the registry for services the contractor provides.

Contact a Contractor
The Registry allows property owners to search for contractors by name or by the building services they provide. Property owners can contact their selected contractors anonymously through the registry, providing information about their rebuilding or restoration project, and ask if the contractor is interested. Contractors respond within the registry, indicating whether they are interested in pursuing a contract with the homeowner for the project.

Ready for Rain: Introduction to Floodproofing
Introductory segment from the LSU AgCenter "Ready for Rain" video with overview of flood damage reduction techniques.

Terms of Use
Users must indicate acceptance of these terms prior to submitting ANY personal, company, service or project information to the Registry.
The LSU AgCenter's Louisiana House - Resource Center
The LSU AgCenter's "LaHouse" is designed to stand up to hurricane-force winds, swarming insects and harmful humidity. This family-type home is designed to showcase innovations in home construction for Louisiana’s sub-tropical climate.
LaHouse-Home and Landscape Resource Center
A research-based showcase of solutions and educational programs to help you shape the future with homes that offer MORE benefits with LESS ....
How Do I Strengthen My Home for Wind?
Wind is the most common and most costly cause of damage to light frame structures in the United States. There are things you can do, however, to reduce the potential damage from high winds.
My House, My Home
My House Family
Whenever you build, remodel or buy a home, you have the power of choice. Use this research-based guilde to take control of your investment and enjoy a high-performance home that offers so much more than shelter and style alone.
Online Training Center
training center
We have begun and will continue to build upon this Online Training Center to assist the Louisiana and Gulf Region construction infrastructure with building science, best practices and building code-based information and continuing education.
Flood, Wind and Water
Louisiana homes are susceptible to damage from floods (rising water, including storm surge), wind (hurricanes, tornadoes and other strong winds) and water (heavy rains infiltrating the building. These hazards and coping with them, are explained more fully in this section.
Termite Resistance
Steel Mesh Termite Barrier
Use multiple methods to make your home resistant to damage from termites, especially Formosan subterranean termites, and other wood-destroying insects. Since basic controls and most state approved stand-alone treatments are not fool-proof, it’s wise to invest in a second line of defense or even a totally termite-resistant structure. Click here to find out how to make your home resistant to termites.
Rebuilding & Restoration
Four pix
Web site for Design and Construction information.
Building Systems: Ways You Can Get Framed in Louisiana
(Figure 2) OVE-Optimum Value Engineering
Here are brief descriptions of currently available building systems for exterior walls and roofs. Some of their major properties that relate to sustainable development are mentioned. A generalized assessment of how each building system integrates and balances the five criteria for Louisiana conditions.
Build Safer, Stronger, Smarter
practical durable healthy convenient resource-efficient