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   Insect & Pest Management
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Tree stumps, debris may lead to carpenter ant infestations
It may be tempting to ignore tree stumps and tree debris left over from hurricanes because of the expense of removal. But if let go long enough, this can lead to a nuisance far more expensive to clean up – carpenter ants.

Protect yourself from mosquitoes
(Distributed 09/05/08) Most of the mosquitoes being bred in the standing water left in Louisiana from Hurricane Gustav are not the kind that carry West Nile virus, according to LSU AgCenter entomologist and mosquito expert Wayne Kramer.

Termite Research To Continue In New Orleans French Quarter
LSU AgCenter faculty members are working on plans to put the Formosan subterranean termite research project in New Orleans’ French Quarter back on track after the recent hurricanes.

Experts Warn Against Spreading Termites After Storms
A scourge of New Orleans and South Louisiana could find its way to other parts of the state and country if people move wood that’s infested with Formosan subterranean termites.

Be On Lookout For Fire Ants In Areas Where Flooding Occurred
Fire ants can be a serious problem after hurricanes – particularly in flooded areas, according to experts with the LSU AgCenter.
Watch For Mosquitoes; Storm Aftermath Could Lead To Population Explosion
With hundreds of square miles of standing water in flooded areas, mosquitoes are expected to be rampant in Southeast Louisiana in the days ahead.
Some New Orleans Mosquito-borne Disease Threats Overstated
Rumors about mosquito-borne diseases are floating around almost as much as the floodwaters in New Orleans, according entomologists with the LSU AgCenter, who say precaution rather than panic should prevail.
Rat Control After A Hurricane
My home was infested with rats after the hurricane. I picked up quite a few dead rats in the house and in the attic. I am concerened about dead decaying rats in the walls and attic insulation. Can you tell me what to do?
Keeping Formosan Termites from Spreading after Hurricanes
termite cover graphic
Cleaning up wood debris after a hurricane or other severe windstorm can spread one of Louisiana’s most destructive pests – the Formosan subterranean termite.
Insect Problems Follow Floods
Certain insect problems increase dramatically after flooding, windstorms and other disasters, according to entomologists with the LSU AgCenter.
Take Precautions For Mosquitoes After Storms
The rains brought on by hurricanes and tropical storms can lead to more mosquitoes. That means Louisiana residents have even more reasons to protect themselves from mosquito bites and the diseases mosquitoes can carry if storms head our way.