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Fire Ant Quiz
Red Imported Fire Ants Quiz

This interactive and fun quiz will challenge your knowledge of Red Imported Fire Ants.

How to Identify Argentine Ants
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This poster discusses the specific characteristics used to identify Argentine Ants.

Tree stumps, debris may lead to carpenter ant infestations
It may be tempting to ignore tree stumps and tree debris left over from hurricanes because of the expense of removal. But if let go long enough, this can lead to a nuisance far more expensive to clean up – carpenter ants.

Argentine Ant Habitat
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This poster addresses habitat preferences and where Argentine ants can be found.

Ant Issues Vol. 2
Argentine ants have been reported in a few isolated areas in Louisiana. These ants are different from fire ants in appearance, nesting habits and behavior. These differences make control efforts different as well.
Ant Issues Vol. 1
This is the first issue of a newsletter intended to communicate new information and recommendations for fire ant management and other ant problems in Louisiana. This issue focuses on current methods for community-wide fire ant control.
Basic Nest Biology and Structure of Argentine Ants
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Linepithema humile (Mayr), the Argentine ant, is an important invasive species that has great impact on agriculture, urban and natural environments worldwide. This poster discusses the basic nest biology and structure of the Argentine Ants.
Argentine Ant: Feeding Preferences and Strategies
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This poster discusses natural feeding preferences, adapted feeding preferences and feeding strategies of the Argentine Ant.
Cost-Effective Methods for Cultural Control of Argentine Ants
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This poster addresses where Argentine Ants are found in Louisiana, as well as cost-effective ways to control them.
Chemical Control of Argentine Ants
This poster discusses background of Argentine Ants, baits that are cheap and effective for indoor use, and outdoor ant control.
Distributors of Fire Ant Bait
The public can order any fire ant bait through local hardware stores, nurseries or coop/feed stores.
Sisters Fight Fire Ants With Large-scale Treatments
Fire Ants
Stepping outdoors was like being under attack for one homeowner. Fire ants were everywhere in her yard. Her sister’s pasture also was under siege. So they turned to an LSU AgCenter entomologist for help. (Runtime: 1 minute, 47 seconds)
Parishes with Spreaders for Area-wide Programs
Louisiana map
Map showing parishes that have a spreader available for use in area wide application of fire ant baits. Listing of locations by parish that have implemented the area wide program.
Ant Issues Vol. 3: Fire Ants During Dry Seasons
Fire ants may be an indoor problem during the dry season as they search for water and food. The mounds move below the surface but they will still forage for food during the cooler times of the day.