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   Commercial Forestry
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LSU AgCenter Scientist Develops New ‘Model’ To Predict Timber Production

Timberland owners and managers use statistical models to predict growth and yield of their forests. Quang V. Cao in the LSU AgCenter’s School of Renewable Natural Resources has developed a new predictive model that promises to improve on current ones.

Lee Memorial Forest Serves Louisiana’s Forestry Industry
katrina damaged forest

Lee Memorial Forest with more than 1 ,200 acres of managed timberland is an important research and teaching resource for the LSU AgCenter.

Establishment Success and Growth of Southern Pine Plantations on Water and Nutrient-Poor Soils

Forests of Louisiana managed for timber production constitute the state’s top agricultural crop, contributing an estimated $4.554 billion to Louisiana’s economy in 2005. Louisiana’s managed forests, which are often loblolly pine plantations, are among the world’s most productive forests at producing timber and fiber.

The Hurricane Impact on Southern Pine Sawtimber Stumpage Prices in Louisiana
Clearing debris after Hurricane Katrina

Within a month, hurricanes Katrina and Rita damaged about 4.4 billion board feet (3.0 billion by Katrina and 1.4 billion by Rita) of sawtimber inventory in Louisiana.

South Louisiana Christmas Tree Farmer Gets Help From Out-of-state Friends
Christmas tree grower discusses damage
There will be trees from the Shady Pond Christmas Tree Farm northeast of New Orleans this year – thanks in large part to some help from fellow growers from North Carolina.
Glossary of Forestry Terms
This is a comprehensive glossary of basic terms used in forest management.
Herbicide Application for the Small Landowner
An easy-to-understand guide for the forest landowner seeking to apply herbicides to pest tree species on his or her property.