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Grant Walker 4-H Educational Center
Pollock, Louisiana

Kickball.Ping Pong.Parachute Games.Line Dancing
Drama.Arts & Crafts & More

Camping is one of the most valuable experiences a child can have. It’s a learning experience that helps boys and girls appreciate the outdoors, live together as a group, get along with others and appreciate people with different interests and backgrounds.

Many 4th, 5th and 6th grade boys and girls participate in 4-H Camp Grant Walker. The camp is held at the LSU AgCenter’s Grant Walker 4-H Educational Center, an 80-acre campsite located near Pollock, La., on Highway 8 about 15 miles northeast of Alexandria.

Camp Grant Walker

Camp week assignments
Find out which week your parish is going to Summer Camp.
A week at camp!
A week at camp!
Description of a typical camp week for campers.
What parents should know
What parents should know
Information for parents about the summer camp experience at Camp Grant Walker.
Learn life skills, have fun at 4-H summer camp
“Fun for a week – Memories for a lifetime!” That’s the theme of the summer 2008 4-H camping experience at the Grant Walker 4-H Educational Center near Pollock, La. The fun starts with the first of 10 weeklong camps, May 26-30. But the preparations and sign-ups are going on now.