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 Home>Kids, Teens & 4-H>4-H Foundation>About Us>

The mission of the Louisiana 4-H Foundation is to secure private funding for the enhancement of the 4-H Youth Development Program.  This is accomplished by selection, training and use of volunteers who serve as trustees of the Louisiana 4-H Foundation.  Please explore our pages and find out more about the Louisiana
4-H Foundation.

2007-2008 Annual Report
Check out the Louisiana 4-H Foundation's 2008 Annual Report.

2007-2008 Board of Trustees
Louisiana 4-H Foundation 2007-2008 Board of Trustees.

2003-2004 Board of Trustees
2003-2004 Board of Trustees and Staff

2004-2005 Board of Trustees
2004-2005 Board of Trustees and Staff

2006-2007 Board of Trustees
2006-2007 Board of Trustees and Staff
Foundation Endowed Accounts
See the list of the Louisiana 4-H Foundation's named funds, which are part of the endowment and help perpetuate specific 4-H programs.
Contact Us
Contact the Louisiana 4-H Foundation Staff
Foundation Funds
Foundation Funds and Funding Needs
Charitable Status of 4-H
Provides information on obtaining IRS required documentation.
Board of Trustees and Staff
Listings of officers, trustees, staff and other personnel involved with the 4-H Foundation.
Foundation History
Louisiana 4-H Foundation Logo
The Louisiana 4-H Foundation Fund is a permanent endowment fund with only the interest to be used for 4-H support. The funds are administered within the guidelines of the LSU Foundation.