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October 31, 2008

Hoyer on Economic Downturn Forcing Cuts to Law Enforcement

WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) today released the following statement:

“We know that the economic crisis has ensnared families, small businesses, and state and local governments.  Today we learn that law enforcement is also being hit hard. With a weakening economy and declining home prices, communities throughout the country are seeing less tax revenue, and as a consequence, are being forced to make tough decisions.

A story in the Wall Street Journal describes how the economy may have a serious impact on community safety. Faced with budgetary shortfalls, municipalities in California may be forced to cut law enforcement jobs.

“America will recover from this economic downturn. But in the meantime, we must ensure that our children and families are kept safe. To that end, we are hopeful that Republicans will join with us in the coming weeks to pass a Main Street recovery package that provides needed relief to states overwhelmed by budgetary losses so that they do not need to cut essential services for our citizens.”
