From the Government Manual Online via GPO Access
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60 Massachusetts Avenue NE., Washington, DC 20002

Phone, 202-906-3000. Internet, www.amtrak.com.
Board of Directors:                                 

Chairman                                          Tommy Thompson
Members                                           Sylvia de Leon, 
                                                          Holton, Amy 
                                                          Rosen, John 
                                                          Robert Smith
Member ex officio (Secretary of Transportation)   Rodney E. Slater


President and Chief Executive Officer             George D. Warrington
Chief Financial Officer                           Arlene Friner
President, Amtrak Intercity                       Ed Walker
President, Amtrak Northeast Corridor              E.S. Bagley, Jr.
President, Amtrak West                            Gilbert O. Mallery
Executive Vice President                          Barbara Richardson
Senior Vice President and General Counsel         James Lloyd
Vice President and Counsel, Business Diversity    Wanda Hightower
        and Strategic Initiatives
Vice President, Freight Railroad Affairs          Lee Bullock
Vice President, Government Affairs                Sandra J. Brown
Vice President, High Speed Rail Development       David J. Carol
Vice President, Human Resources                   Lorraine A. Green
Vice President, Labor                             Joseph M. Bress
Vice President, Procurement                       Michael Rienzi
Vice President, Service Operations                Anne W. Hoey

[For the National Railroad Passenger Corporation statement of 
        organization, see the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, 
        Part 700]


The National Railroad Passenger Corporation was established to develop 
the potential of modern rail service in meeting the Nation's intercity 
passenger transportation needs.

The National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) was created by the 
Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970, as amended (49 U.S.C. 241), and was 
incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia to provide a 
balanced national transportation system by developing, operating, and 
improving U.S. intercity rail passenger service.
    Amtrak operates an average of 212 trains per day, serving over 540 
station locations in 45 States, over a system of approximately 24,500 
route miles. Of this route system, Amtrak owns less than 1,000 track 
miles in the Northeast Corridor (Washington-New York-Boston; New Haven-
Springfield; Philadelphia-Harrisburg), and several other small track 
segments throughout the country.
    Amtrak owns or leases its stations and owns its own repair and 
maintenance facilities. The Corporation employs a total work force of 
approximately 23,000 and provides all reservation, station, and on-board 
service staffs, as well as train and engine operating crews. Outside the 
Northeast Corridor, Amtrak has historically contracted with 14 privately 
owned railroads for the right to operate over their track and has 

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each railroad for its total package of services. Under contract, these 
railroads are responsible for the condition of the roadbed and for 
coordinating the flow of traffic.
    In fiscal year 1999, Amtrak transported over 21 million people 
approximately 5.5 billion passenger miles. In addition, under contracts 
with several transit agencies, Amtrak carried over 48 million commuters.
    Although Amtrak's basic route system was originally designated by 
the Secretary of Transportation in 1971, modifications have been made to 
the Amtrak system and to individual routes that have resulted in more 
efficient and cost-effective operations. Currently, in the face of 
ongoing budget constraints, new service will only be added if a State 
agrees to share any losses associated with the new service or if the new 
service demonstrates satisfactory market support.
    Amtrak began operation in 1971 with an antiquated fleet of equipment 
inherited from private railroads; some cars were nearly 30 years old. 
Since then, the fleet has been modernized and new state-of-the-art 
single- and bi-level passenger cars and locomotives have been added.
    Ridership is steadily rising, and Amtrak is finding it increasingly 
difficult to meet the demands of increased travel patterns with its 
limited passenger fleet. To ease these equipment constraints, the 
Corporation is working to identify innovative funding sources in order 
to acquire additional passenger cars and locomotives.
    Although no rail passenger system in the world makes a profit, 
Amtrak has made significant progress in reducing its dependence on 
Federal support, while at the same time improving the quality of 
service. Every year Amtrak moves closer to increasing the ratio of its 
earned revenue to total costs, even though its Federal appropriations 
decrease. Amtrak's appropriation for the current fiscal year is 
approximately 50 percent below that for fiscal year 1978 (in constant 

For further information, contact the Public Affairs Department, Amtrak, 
60 Massachusetts Avenue NE., Washington, DC 20002. Phone, 202-906-3860. 
Internet, www.amtrak.com.
