From the Government Manual Online via GPO Access
[Page 92]

Office of the Vice President of the United States

Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20501

Phone, 202-456-2326
Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff     Charles Burson
        and Counselor to the Vice President
Deputy Chief of Staff                             Monica Maples Dixon
Chief Domestic Policy Adviser for the Vice        David Beier
Chief of Staff to Mrs. Gore                       Audrey Haynes
Counsel to the Vice President                     Elizabeth Brown
Director of Correspondence for the Vice           Eric Anderson
Director of Legislative Affairs for the Vice      Ronna Freiberg
Director of Scheduling and Advance for the Vice   Lisa Berg
Executive Assistant to the Vice President         Patricia McHugh
National Security Adviser for the Vice President  Leon S. Fuerth
Political Director                                Maurice Daniel
Senior Adviser to the Vice President              Michael Feldman
Senior Adviser to the Vice President for Policy   William Samuel
Senior Policy Adviser for the Vice President      Morley Winograd


The Office of the Vice President serves the Vice President in the 
performance of the many detailed activities incident to his immediate 