Book Appraisals
The Library of Congress does not appraise old books. We realize, though,
that this is a topic of great interest to many people. We can suggest two
places to begin:
Your Old Books is a pamphlet written by Peter Van Wingen, our late
and sorely missed Rosenwald curator. It is a list of questions to ask yourself,
putting you on a path to discovering a book's value. An electronic version is available
through the courtesy of the RBMS Electronic Information Technologies Committee
(ad hoc), or we can send you a copy. Contact us using one of the addresses
provided below.
The Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of
America, publishes an annual membership directory. It includes subject
and geographical indices to help you contact the booksellers who might
be of assistance.
If you'd like us to send you the latest copy, write, email, or fax us at
the addresses below.
Rare Book & Special Collections Division
Library of Congress
101 Independence Avenue SE
Washington, D.C. 20540-4740
Fax: (202) 707-4142