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@kmaverick when you get a chance, can you msg me your personal email addy? wanted to send you a note of thanks as well as keep in touch!
@kmaverick realized JUST now that i've haven't been following you on twitter. strange! anyways, i just learned the news - CONGRATULATIONS!!! - Just got to Sun's Menlo Park campus to find this in the parking lot. Sweet!
is wishing everyone Eid Mubarak!
is going to ask Santa Claus to talk to the SF parking ticketing personnel to see if they can give me a break in 2009.
@braedenyoung u remember the 'special update' i was going to tell u :) update happened b'cuz of u. will set up call w/ you & @colinismyname
@chai923 i'll be using it for our trip to Cabo San Lucas! w00t w00t!
@llcrowe oh wow, the Canon 5D Mark II is one spiffy camera! you going pro? :) this semi-pro camera newbie loves her canon rebel so far.
@marc_dierens good to know. i just started reading Outliers.
Definitely worth a read: Learn who coined the term Genocide & his life struggle to get it internationally recognized. CNN
@chai923 i've had my eye on the camera for a few mos. but it wouldn't go on sale. finally found it $50 off, when it rung up it was $100 off!
@ckueda haha, umm because i booked a cruise to cabo san lucas as my xmas present :)
is the proud new owner of a Canon Rebel XSi camera. Got myself an early bday present (it's next July). Hehe.
If you could pick just one song that represents your entire life's soundtrack - what would it be?
Wondering how my mentees are doing on their SATs. They should be done in 30mins. They need to call me already!
@TimIsHungry oooh, i hate when that happens. it feels like doom and gloom!
I get asked atleast 3-4 times a week "Why don't you blog?" I tell them I have commitment issues. Perhaps I now have a New Years Resolution?
@tehduh i may still have to if this guy doesn't pull thru :)
Finally found a developer for my new startups. What a time consuming process! Still skeptical though because I've been burned in the past
@jpostman i'm using firefox, the upper hand navi that lists all your pages links work fine for me. it's just that standalone mini-section


Biz Stone Evan Williams om Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Kathy Johnson Brij Singh Scott Beale Manuel Viloria BJ Cook Dustin Jacobsen Brett Petersel Dhrumil Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Carlos Granier Serdar KiliƧ Josh Hallett Mike Manuel Justine Daniel Newman Tawheed Kader Chris Brogan drew olanoff Beth Kanter Doug Haslam Brian Solis Antonio Altamirano Karen O'Brien ophelia  Chris Heuer Gaurav BostonDave Robert Scoble noah kagan
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