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My Mom and my best friend Vic are now on Facebook. Both within a day of each other. Awesome
in the middle of a work from home and run errands kinda day
Looking forward to the long thanksgiving weekend.
Watching my first Netflix movie via Xbox Live (Helvetica)
Getting some tacos at Malo
picked up an old book shelf and a bunch of books from Jen's past. cleaning, organizing, and making room for it all now.
Sitting on the porch of my old fraternity house
Pit stop at the in n out in SB
Driving up to slo town
Going out for a drink with my wife
eating my turkey sandwiches and catching up with the internets via @popurls
even having Marisa Tomei nude couldn make Before the Devil KNows Your're Dead a feel good happy movie
is firefox becoming a slower memory hog or is it just me?
Discussing the glory days of playing with Transformers
forms elements in FF 3 don't play nice with my stylez. sleep instead
err, make that 16.6 pounds lost since Sept. 2nd
I've lost 16.6 pounds since August 2nd. Still more to go to get to my goal but doing good so far.
force quitting applications on my macbook because 2 gigs is not nearly enough when you rockin itunes, firefox, textmate, 3 terminals, etc
got my hair cut, ate dinner, watched obamas on 60 minutes, just learned yang is out, and now? laundry. meh


Biz Stone Evan Williams Blaine Cook Chris Wetherell veen Jason Shellen Jason Cosper seanbonner caroline om Mr Messina Scott Beale Dave Winer Jason Calacanis brittany Michael Sippey Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Caterina Justine Kitta Meg Hourihan Emily Chang Irene Tien thomas marban Andre Torrez greg cohn cody simms Simon Willison Leonard Tom Coates Veerle Pieters Andy Baio photomatt Cameron Moll Anil Dash
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