Tim Kersey’s Favorites

Chris Wanstrath
defunkt @duwanis you're making it too hard. just create ~/Projects/dotfiles a git dir and symlink ~/.bashrc etc to their equivalents in there
hotdogsladies If I were half as smart as Malcolm Gladwell, I'd already have statistics and a clever name for my theory that he's mostly full of shit.
Rael Dornfest
rael 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231
Jen Cardew
jenkersey Saying good bye to my car. Had it for 91,601 miles, 7 years, 2 months, 1 week and 1 day.
Tim Kersey
entangledstate If Steve Jobs email is then Jony Ive's must Cool. That is all.
Tim Kersey
entangledstate The Viking religion held that "the cosmos began in the frozen emptiness ... and will end in fire with the last battle".
Tim Kersey
entangledstate It's considered dangerous for an individual to "operate" on credit from day-to-day. So why is it okay for a business?
why the lucky stiff
_why the only difference between 1929 and 2008 will be that our coin slugs will be fashioned from an abundance of high fructose corn syrup
Tim Kersey
entangledstate That was one of the hardest, most gut wrenching things I've had to do. I love you Jen. I'll see you soon.
Tim Kersey
entangledstate Just saw a cop pull over a car by waving his hand while on foot with a radar. WTF
why the lucky stiff
_why when you don't create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create.
Tim Kersey
entangledstate Google Maps has added walking directions
Tim Kersey
entangledstate about to have my last cig.
Tim Kersey
entangledstate strongly contemplating buying one of these folding bikes
Tim Kersey
entangledstate thinking of sustainability and my natural inclination towards minimalism are causing me to lament my ever growing collection of computers
Tim Kersey
entangledstate Great essay about Being Good from Paul Graham
hotdogsladies Ayn Rand despised Pi, claiming it was irrational and lacked self-interest. Pi responded that "being a dick" isn't technically a philosophy.
Tim Kersey
entangledstate LOL session is the one you can tell your mom about and they'll totatlly get it
Alex Payne
al3x Did you know you can say 'fav screen_name' and it'll favorite that person's most recent update? @blaine didn't ;)
Tim Kersey
entangledstate math tattoos? Y = λf·(λx·f (x x)) (λx·f (x x))


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Jeremy Evan Williams Dom Sagolla rabble kellan Alissa Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Ian McKellar Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell veen Jason Shellen om Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Adam Hertz J Chris Anderson Dave Morin Jason Calacanis Carlos Granier John Nunemaker joshua schachter Cal Henderson Jyri Engeström Mark Frauenfelder Alex Rudloff Veronica Belmont Nick Gerakines Jeremy Keith Alex de Carvalho Tantek Çelik Hickensian Nick Dominguez
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