President Monteiro’s Favorites

Ben Compton
bcompton Okay, genius. If "great suffering produces great art," explain to me how my 12 minute emo epic about my broken TiVo quote-unquote sucks?
Geoff Barnes
texburgher All the recent webcock-bashing has me concerned that you guys don't actually have any deals to offer me after all.
Ben Compton
bcompton I just lost my sense of smell. Come back, sense of smell! Wait, let me clean out the litter boxes first.
Henry Birdseye
tehawesome I just had a couple drinks and then went drunk grocery shopping. I am the safest little train wreck of a man you'll ever see.
hotdogsladies 9 year old at the library said something mean to Ellie. So I gave her an eating disorder. Next time, come heavy, Tweenie.
John Moltz
Moltz Hank, calling on the intercom from downstairs: How do you say "doctor" in Japanese? Me: Isha. H: OK, bye. Me: OK. Love you! H: Bye.
CcSteff Stop honking, people. I will cease weaving into your lane once I find the chapter in my car manual that explains this flashing red light.
tj @abigvictory Woman goes to buy tampons, can't decide what kind to get. Sales clerk asks "What kind of flow do you have?" Woman says:Linoleum
Ben Compton
bcompton @mayjah When Steve Jobs touches your kooch, it turns white and suddenly you can't afford it.
Amy Jane Gruber
AmyJane There is something magical about the way Danny DeVito says the word "whore".
Ben Compton
bcompton There sure are a lot of rules about how we're s'posed to use twitter. Use it as a tool. Don't post "favrd bait." Stop having fun. I give up!
Josh Donoghue
awryone @Moltz Fuck you. That is the last time I get suckered into looking at naked Bea Arthur. Santa hat, or not. LAST TIME.
John Moltz
Moltz @SeoulBrother I won't believe you're dead until @Mike_FTW tweets it.
John Halcyon Styn
Halcyon Was thinking of adding a "use hardcore pornography as packing materials?" option to my Etsy store. (Recycling starts at home, kids!)
Avery Edison
aedison I don't know what I like more; making these cheese sandwiches, or eating them. Or Batman.
Ben Compton
bcompton Boy, is my son gonna be embarrassed when he finds out that the rules of Sorry don't actually call for a ten-minute pre-game ceremonial hug.
J Thornburg
InsoOutso I love watching the large women at Sam's Club as they mentally undress the items in my shopping cart.
Josh Donoghue
awryone Sarah Silverman is 38 today. Continuing the tradition, I must masturbate 38 times today. I should say 28 MORE times today.
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman @nodleigh If he didn't want to be trampled to death, he shouldn't have accepted that minimum wage job.


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