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trivia: my profile picture was taken by Dave Winer at Networked Journalism Conference
@glemak let me guess. . .Bulls Head
Still trying to get folks to recognize that the "page" metaphor is no longer applicable to the web. Web content is atomic, not page-oriented
"madness! madness!" James Donald at theend of "The Bridge on the River Kwai"
This is insanity. I'm going back to Usenet ; )
@Stamford_Times I think CNN called OH as well
@Stamford_Times electionmap show Himes out to early lead
@amyloo thinking about a sub-micro-community but have been asked how I will monetize it which is a silly question but . . .
@amyloo the few that have embraced it have not needed much arm-twisting but I've encouraged it (no kidding ; ))
@karoli so your voting for the white ones? ; )
tweet tweet
I'm still here.
like the new twitter design i think
haven't tweeted in 29 days due to like to stay active every month. . .
what does this have to do with Hillary getting nominated for VP? ; ) 8-15 NG
so ideally one might like to be able to post to service of their choice or cross post with the appropriate indicationlike this [identica]
test test test... anyone get this?


Blaine Cook Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Kathy Johnson thomasknoll Dave Winer Jason Calacanis David Parmet John Tropea Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Emily Chang Gregarious Adam Broitman Robert Scoble Tom Guarriello Cody Marx Bailey Tom Hugh MacLeod francine hardaway Christian Burns Chad Dickerson Chris Saad RyanK Nate Ritter Loic Le Meur Chris Pirillo Luis Sandoval Jr. Nick Reynolds Mike McAllen Rob La Gesse kosso Duncan Riley Scott Karp Mark Collier Loren Feldman
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