Debbie T. Lawrence’s Favorites

GM Blogs
GMblogs Signing off for the weekend...take care everyone... -Lesley
Bolt PR
boltbuzz108 @BirdOnAWire55 yes, email me, anne at boltpr dot com
Karma Martell
karmacom @BirdOnAWire55 can't DM u r not showing up yet but I do have tech clients
SDS France
sdb2205 @BirdOnAWire55 - I represent a new startup called, a SaaS - Document Management Solution for the average user.
jooce123 @BirdOnAWire55 i rep Home Theater Speciailsts of America, group of 62 high-end home theater/automation experts. #1 for info on consumer tech
Carol Milliron
millic Can you recommend a website to help me organize DD class holiday party? Need to post list and have people sign gets too clunky.
Scott Monty
ScottMonty @birdonawire55 There's @GMBlogs and I believe Honda & Toyota have some reps here (can't remember offhand)
zach Braiker
quiverandquill is there a company that specializes in christian / religious social media strategy? helping a friend identify a vendor.
Sara at SoapRehab
soaprehab RT @BirdOnAWire55 Day 7 is Live! The BIG Give is in Hot Water! Find out what we're up to! (hint- it involves me!)
Renee J. Ross
cutiebootycakes @BirdOnAWire55 Did I win, did I win? Pick me! Pick me! I follow rules! LOL
booksamillion @BirdOnAWire55 good morning Debbie! Yes, home offices are in Birmingham, AL.
Michael Hyatt
MichaelHyatt Eight simple rules for better writing, based on Strunk & White (via Dean Rieck). Memorize them:
Jenn Fowler
JennFowler You all HAVE to keep checking out the 11Mom's sites over the next week or so. We each have a $500 gift card to giveaway. look for mine Fri.
walt_gilbert @BirdOnAWire55 - So long. It's been fun. Sorry I don't have time to be a gentle spirit. It's not as if the press would treat me any better.
Pauline Campos
berriesweetest @BirdOnAWire55 it wouldn't let me save. @jessicaknows said it's an explorer glitch. So I did it again on mozilla.
Bob DeMarco
AlzheimersRead ‘No Cost’ Ways to Get Informed and Get Help about Alzheimer’s Disease: “Families with loved ones w..
San Diego Momma
sandiegomomma @birdonawire55 incomplete. It's like my WP backed up in time.
mediabistro Oops forgot link. Here's @AlKrueger's cool workspace
Debbie T. Lawrence
BirdOnAWire55 thinking about next new opportunity. wondering if anyone would find me a thinking, and useful asset to their marketing/interactive/SMM div.


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