Title 9--Animals and Animal Products



TEXT PDF381.1 Definitions.
TEXT PDF381.1 Definitions.
TEXT PDF381.3 Administration.
TEXT PDF381.4 Inspection in accordance with methods prescribed or approved.
TEXT PDF381.5 Publications.
TEXT PDF381.6 Establishments requiring inspection.
TEXT PDF381.7 Coverage of all poultry and poultry products processed in official establishments.
TEXT PDF381.10 Exemptions for specified operations.
TEXT PDF381.11 Exemptions based on religious dietary laws.
TEXT PDF381.12 Effect of religious dietary laws exemptions on other persons.
TEXT PDF381.13 Suspension or termination of exemptions.
TEXT PDF381.14 Inspection concerning purportedly exempted operations.
TEXT PDF381.15 Exemption from definition of ``poultry product'' of certain human food products containing poultry.
TEXT PDF381.16 How application shall be made.
TEXT PDF381.17 Filing of application.
TEXT PDF381.18 Authority of applicant.
TEXT PDF381.20 Survey and grant of inspection.
TEXT PDF381.21 Refusal of inspection.
TEXT PDF381.22 Conditions for receiving inspection.
TEXT PDF381.25 Official establishment numbers.
TEXT PDF381.26 Separation of establishments.
TEXT PDF381.27 Inauguration of service; notification concerning regulations; status of uninspected poultry products.
TEXT PDF381.28 Report of violations.
TEXT PDF381.32 Access to establishments.
TEXT PDF381.33 Identification.
TEXT PDF381.34 Financial interest of inspectors.
TEXT PDF381.35 Appeal inspections; how made.
TEXT PDF381.36 Facilities required.
TEXT PDF381.37 Schedule of operations.
TEXT PDF381.38 Overtime and holiday inspection service.
TEXT PDF381.39 Basis of billing for overtime and holiday services.
TEXT PDF381.65 Operations and procedures, generally.
TEXT PDF381.65 Operations and procedures, generally.
TEXT PDF381.66 Temperatures and chilling and freezing procedures.
TEXT PDF381.66 Temperatures and chilling and freezing procedures.
TEXT PDF381.67 Young chicken and squab slaughter inspection rate maximums under traditional inspection procedure.
TEXT PDF381.68 Maximum inspection rates--New turkey inspection system.
TEXT PDF381.70 Ante mortem inspection; when required; extent.
TEXT PDF381.71 Condemnation on ante mortem inspection.
TEXT PDF381.72 Segregation of suspects on ante mortem inspection.
TEXT PDF381.73 Quarantine of diseased poultry.
TEXT PDF381.74 Poultry suspected of having biological residues.
TEXT PDF381.75 Poultry used for research.
TEXT PDF381.76 Post-mortem inspection, when required; extent; traditional, Streamlined Inspection System (SIS), New Line Speed (NELS) Inspection System and the New Turkey Inspection (NTI) System; rate of inspection.
TEXT PDF381.77 Carcasses held for further examination.
TEXT PDF381.78 Condemnation of carcasses and parts: separation of poultry suspected of containing biological residues.
TEXT PDF381.79 Passing of carcasses and parts.
TEXT PDF381.80 General; biological residues.
TEXT PDF381.81 Tuberculosis.
TEXT PDF381.82 Diseases of the leukosis complex.
TEXT PDF381.83 Septicemia or toxemia.
TEXT PDF381.84 Airsacculitis.
TEXT PDF381.85 Special diseases.
TEXT PDF381.86 Inflammatory processes.
TEXT PDF381.87 Tumors.
TEXT PDF381.88 Parasites.
TEXT PDF381.89 Bruises.
TEXT PDF381.90 Cadavers.
TEXT PDF381.91 Contamination.
TEXT PDF381.92 Overscald.
TEXT PDF381.93 Decomposition.
TEXT PDF381.94 Contamination with Microorganisms; process control verification criteria and testing; pathogen reduction standards.
TEXT PDF381.95 Disposal of condemned poultry products.
TEXT PDF381.96 Wording and form of the official inspection legend.
TEXT PDF381.98 Official seal.
TEXT PDF381.99 Official retention and rejection tags.
TEXT PDF381.100 Official detention tag.
TEXT PDF381.101 Official U.S. Condemned mark.
TEXT PDF381.103 Official poultry condemnation certificates; issuance and form.
TEXT PDF381.104 Official export certificates, marks and devices.
TEXT PDF381.105 Export certification; marking of containers.
TEXT PDF381.106 Form of official export certificate.
TEXT PDF381.107 Special procedures as to certification of poultry products for export to certain countries.
TEXT PDF381.108 Official poultry inspection certificates; issuance and disposition.
TEXT PDF381.109 Form of official poultry inspection certificate.
TEXT PDF381.110 Erasures or alterations made on certificates.
TEXT PDF381.111 Data to be entered in proper spaces.
TEXT PDF381.112 Official mark for maintaining the identity and integrity of samples.
TEXT PDF381.115 Containers of inspected and passed poultry products required to be labeled.
TEXT PDF381.116 Wording on labels of immediate containers.
TEXT PDF381.117 Name of product and other labeling.
TEXT PDF381.118 Ingredients statement.
TEXT PDF381.119 Declaration of artificial flavoring or coloring.
TEXT PDF381.120 Antioxidants; chemical preservatives; and other additives.
TEXT PDF381.121 Quantity of contents.
TEXT PDF381.121a Quantity of contents labeling.
TEXT PDF381.121b Definitions and procedures for determining net weight compliance.
TEXT PDF381.121c Scale requirements for accurate weights, repairs, adjustments, and replacement after inspection.
TEXT PDF381.121d Scales; testing of.
TEXT PDF381.121e Handling of failed product.
TEXT PDF381.122 Identification of manufacturer, packer or distributor.
TEXT PDF381.123 Official inspection mark; official establishment number.
TEXT PDF381.124 Dietary food claims.
TEXT PDF381.125 Special handling label requirements.
TEXT PDF381.126 Date of packing and date of processing; contents of cans.
TEXT PDF381.127 Wording on labels of shipping containers.
TEXT PDF381.128 Labels in foreign languages.
TEXT PDF381.129 False or misleading labeling or containers.
TEXT PDF381.130 False or misleading labeling or containers; orders to withhold from use.
TEXT PDF381.131 Preparation of labeling or other devices bearing official inspection marks without advance approval prohibited; exceptions.
TEXT PDF381.132 Labeling approval.
TEXT PDF381.133 Generically approved labeling.
TEXT PDF381.134 Requirement of formulas.
TEXT PDF381.136 Affixing of official identification.
TEXT PDF381.137 Evidence of labeling and devices approval.
TEXT PDF381.138 Unauthorized use or disposition of approved labeling or devices.
TEXT PDF381.139 Removal of official identifications.
TEXT PDF381.140 Relabeling poultry products.
TEXT PDF381.144 Packaging materials.
TEXT PDF381.145 Poultry products and other articles entering or at official establishments; examination and other requirements.
TEXT PDF381.146 Sampling at official establishments.
TEXT PDF381.148 Processing and handling requirements for frozen poultry products.
TEXT PDF381.150 Requirements for the production of fully cooked poultry products and partially cooked poultry breakfast strips.
TEXT PDF381.151 Adulteration of product by polluted water; procedure for handling.
TEXT PDF381.152 Preparation in an official establishment of articles not for human food.
TEXT PDF381.153 Accreditation of chemistry laboratories.
TEXT PDF381.155 General.
TEXT PDF381.156 Poultry meat content standards for certain poultry products.
TEXT PDF381.157 Canned boned poultry and baby or geriatric food.
TEXT PDF381.158 Poultry dinners (frozen) and pies.
TEXT PDF381.159 Poultry rolls.
TEXT PDF381.160 (Kind) burgers; (Kind) patties.
TEXT PDF381.161 ``(Kind) A La Kiev.''
TEXT PDF381.162 ``(Kind) steak or fillet.''
TEXT PDF381.163 ``(Kind) baked'' or ``(Kind) roasted.''
TEXT PDF381.164 ``(Kind) barbecued.''
TEXT PDF381.165 ``(Kind) barbecued prepared with moist heat.''
TEXT PDF381.166 Breaded products.
TEXT PDF381.167 Other poultry dishes and specialty items.
TEXT PDF381.168 Maximum percent of skin in certain poultry products.
TEXT PDF381.169 Ready-to-cook poultry products to which solutions are added.
TEXT PDF381.170 Standards for kinds and classes, and for cuts of raw poultry.
TEXT PDF381.171 Definition and standard for ``Turkey Ham.''
TEXT PDF381.173 Mechanically Separated (Kind of Poultry).
TEXT PDF381.174 Limitations with respect to use of Mechanically Separated (Kind of Poultry).
TEXT PDF381.175 Records required to be kept.
TEXT PDF381.176 Place of maintenance of records.
TEXT PDF381.177 Record retention period.
TEXT PDF381.178 Access to and inspection of rec&chyph;ords, facilities and inventory; copying and sampling.
TEXT PDF381.179 Registration.
TEXT PDF381.180 Information and reports required from official establishment operators.
TEXT PDF381.181 Reports by consignees of allegedly adulterated or misbranded products; sale or transportation as violations.
TEXT PDF381.182 Reports of inspection work.
TEXT PDF381.185 Assistance to State and Territorial programs.
TEXT PDF381.186 Cooperation of States and other jurisdictions in Federal programs.
TEXT PDF381.189 Provisions inapplicable to specimens for laboratory examination, etc., or to naturally inedible articles.
TEXT PDF381.190 Transactions in slaughtered poultry and other poultry products restricted; vehicle sanitation requirements.
TEXT PDF381.191 Distribution of inspected products to small lot buyers.
TEXT PDF381.192 Penalties inapplicable to carriers.
TEXT PDF381.193 Poultry carcasses, etc., not intended for human food.
TEXT PDF381.194 Transportation and other transactions concerning dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry, and parts of carcasses of poultry that died otherwise than by slaughter.
TEXT PDF381.195 Definitions; requirements for importation into the United States.
TEXT PDF381.196 Eligibility of foreign countries for importation of poultry products into the United States.
TEXT PDF381.197 Imported products; foreign inspection certificates required.
TEXT PDF381.198 Importer to make application for inspection of poultry products offered for entry.
TEXT PDF381.199 Inspection of poultry products offered for entry.
TEXT PDF381.200 Poultry products offered for entry, retention in customs custody; delivery under bond; movement prior to inspection; handling; facilities and assistance.
TEXT PDF381.201 Means of conveyance and equipment used in handling poultry products offered for entry to be maintained in sanitary condition.
TEXT PDF381.202 Poultry products offered for entry; reporting of findings to customs; handling of articles refused entry; appeals, how made; denaturing procedures.
TEXT PDF381.203 Products offered for entry; charges for storage, cartage, and labor with respect to products which are refused entry.
TEXT PDF381.204 Marking of poultry products offered for entry; official import inspection marks and devices.
TEXT PDF381.205 Labeling of immediate containers of poultry products offered for entry.
TEXT PDF381.206 Labeling of shipping containers of poultry products offered for entry.
TEXT PDF381.207 Small importations for consignee's personal use, display, or laboratory analysis.
TEXT PDF381.208 Poultry products offered for entry and entered to be handled and transported as domestic; entry into official establishments; transportation.
TEXT PDF381.209 Returned United States inspected and marked poultry products; exemption.
TEXT PDF381.210 Poultry and other articles subject to administrative detention.
TEXT PDF381.211 Method of detention; form of detention tag.
TEXT PDF381.212 Notification of detention to the owner of the poultry or other article, or the owner's agent, and person having custody.
TEXT PDF381.213 Notification of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over article detained; form of written notification.
TEXT PDF381.214 Movement of poultry or other article detained; removal of official marks.
TEXT PDF381.215 Poultry or other articles subject to judicial seizure and condemnation.
TEXT PDF381.216 Procedure for judicial seizure, condemnation, and disposition.
TEXT PDF381.217 Authority for condemnation or seizure under other provisions of law.
TEXT PDF381.218 Criminal offenses.
TEXT PDF381.220 Definition of ``State''.
TEXT PDF381.221 Designation of States under paragraph 5(c) of the Act.
TEXT PDF381.222 States designated under paragraph 5(c) of the Act; application of regulations.
TEXT PDF381.223 Control and disposition of nonfederally inspected poultry products in States designated under paragraph 5(c) of the Act.
TEXT PDF381.224 Designation of States under section 11 of the Act; application of sections of the Act and the regulations.
TEXT PDF381.225 Criteria and procedure for designating establishments with operations which would clearly endanger the public health; disposition of poultry products therein.
TEXT PDF381.300 Definitions.
TEXT PDF381.301 Containers and closures.
TEXT PDF381.302 Thermal processing.
TEXT PDF381.303 Critical factors and the application of the process schedule.
TEXT PDF381.304 Operations in the thermal processing area.
TEXT PDF381.305 Equipment and procedures for heat processing systems.
TEXT PDF381.306 Processing and production records.
TEXT PDF381.307 Record review and maintenance.
TEXT PDF381.308 Deviations in processing.
TEXT PDF381.309 Finished product inspection.
TEXT PDF381.310 Personnel and training.
TEXT PDF381.311 Recall procedure.
TEXT PDF381.400 Nutrition labeling of poultry products.
TEXT PDF381.402 Location of nutrition information.
TEXT PDF381.408 Labeling of poultry products with number of servings.
TEXT PDF381.409 Nutrition label content.
TEXT PDF381.412 Reference amounts customarily consumed per eating occasion.
TEXT PDF381.413 Nutrient content claims; general principles.
TEXT PDF381.443 Significant participation for voluntary nutrition labeling.
TEXT PDF381.444 Identification of major cuts of poultry products.
TEXT PDF381.445 Guidelines for voluntary nutrition labeling of single-ingredient, raw products.
TEXT PDF381.454 Nutrient content claims for ``good source,'' ``high,'' and ``more.''
TEXT PDF381.456 Nutrient content claims for ``light'' or ``lite.''
TEXT PDF381.460 Nutrient content claims for calorie content.
TEXT PDF381.461 Nutrient content claims for the sodium content.
TEXT PDF381.462 Nutrient content claims for fat, fatty acids, and cholesterol content.
TEXT PDF381.463 Nutrient content claims for ``healthy.''
TEXT PDF381.469 Labeling applications for nutrient content claims.
TEXT PDF381.480 Label statements relating to usefulness in reducing or maintaining body weight.
TEXT PDF381.500 Exemption from nutrition labeling.

