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Oprah says she's not looking for a job in the Obama administration, but she'd make a great Bailout Czar. "And YOU get a BILLION!"
With the defeat of William Jefferson, I have renewed faith in my countrymen's ability to toss out convicted, if not indicted, congressmen.
Learning to love the MLA handbook all over again
On second thought, that may have been a little too much concentrated evergreen smell spray on lieu of a Christmas tree.
My invite to the Cheney Christmas party must've gotten lost. What am I supposed to do with seven gallons of virgin puppy blood?
Man, I shoulda known better than to trust a URL that ends with .dll
It's been too long since I've been to The Dray.
Sir, let's start with the bluetooth headset. The purple mock turtleneck, sports coat and Microsoft tote bag just complete the ensemble.
A vlingo app that you activate with "Ms. Holloway, take this down" that replied with "Will that be all, Mr. Draper?" would make millions.
I'm willing to bet that a 40-powered ODB will have more of a legacy than Kanye drunk on that autotune bullshit.
"You're such a... boyfriend"
I guess WebResurrectThenKillThenResurrectAdInfinitum was too long so they settled on Webmonkey instead.
@tiffehr The fire thing is a gimmick. Drink it like Hemmingway did, clouded with water.
Oh, goodie, the end of year lists are here. Where the lazy finally get the audience they deserve.
Who the hell thought headphones that constantly flash a blue light was a good idea? And I get to sit next to the douchebag wearing a pair!
Enjoy your time in the grammarian spotlight, "-elect" because you'll be right back with "presumptive nominee" soon enough.
I really feel for whoever had to do the end credits for "Synecdoche, New York"
With the horror movie fog we've got going on in town today, the container ship loaders look particularly AT-ATish
The first shower is when you discover that your nipples have been rubbed raw
Not a bad way to see 13.1 miles of the city