Cataloging & Digitizing Toolbox
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to" Tip Sheets | Resource Lists |
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"How to" Tip Sheets
The tip sheets are handouts or teaching aids that address topics
frequently asked about by librarians and archivists working with
pictorial materials. New tips will be added as needed.
Authority Files for Cataloging
Pictures: Common Choices -- A list of name, subject, form-genre, and representative local
vocabularies for indexing photographs, cartoons, drawings, and
other pictures.
Catalog and Finding Aid
Systems for Pictorial Materials: Representative Examples -- Cites examples according to characteristics often asked about
when planning projects to describe and digitize pictures, e.g.,
integration with other media, level of description, image navigation,
and encoding scheme.
Online Reference Sources for
Cataloging Visual Materials --
Selected Web sites for verifying
information about creators
and subjects; also, tools for
converting dates and measurements
and for identifying or dating
different media.
Organizations & Initiatives
of Interest to Picture Catalogers
Pictorial Collection
Guides: Representative Examples -- A list of guides produced by various institutions--offers
models for how libraries and archives can provide overviews
of their holdings to help users understand the scope of available
Visual Materials: Processing
& Cataloging Bibliography -- Covers arrangement, media
identification, picture research, description, indexing, and
digital imaging in libraries, archives, and museums.
Arms, Caroline R. "Getting the Picture: Observations
from the Library of Congress on Providing Online Access to Pictorial
Images," Library Trends 48:2 (Fall 1999):
379-409. Also available online,
-- This extensive article covers the challenges of providing
access to pictures by summarizing the history and goals of the
Prints & Photographs cataloging, digital imaging, and reference
services through early 1999.
Digital Challenge: Accessioning, Description, and Reference
for Contemporary Pictures from September 11th. Web cast
lecture, November 13, 2003. Presenters:
Brett Carnell, "Accessioning Born-Digital and Computer-Generated
Mary Mundy, "Extending Graphic Materials Rules for Born-Digital
and Computer-Generated Pictures"
Mary Ison. "'Can We Use It?' Capturing and Conveying Rights
Information for Contemporary Images"
Zinkham, Helena. "Bridges
& Whirlpools: Best Access Practices for Pictures."
Power Point lecture, July 2000. Covers the kinds of information
to record for visual materials; tools for description and indexing;
need for separate or integrated access with books; benefits
of collection summary records and item-level records. (Note:
Select Slide 1 in the left navigation area to launch the text
and visuals.)
For general information on cataloging at the Library of Congress,
please consult the Cataloging Directorate Home Page (