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The Danger of Holdovers

David S. Broder: Gates and Geithner are good choices, but Obama should keep an eye on them.

PLUS » Toles: Ominous Skies Over Capitol Hill


Steroid Patrol

The League | Will the suspensions of Pat and Kevin Williams hold up in court? Or will ignorance save the day?


Under God: KY's New Head of Security: God

Steroid Patrol

The League | Will the suspensions of Pat and Kevin Williams hold up in court? Or will ignorance save the day?


Under God: KY's New Head of Security: God

Holiday Madness

Susan Thistlethwaite | Attention Wal-Mart shoppers: Consumerism kills bodies and souls.
Sally Quinn | Giving, not buying

Wal-Mart Worker

Talk: Steroid Patrol, Who Gets Mortgage Breaks

Rome Burns,
China Won't Talk

John Pomfret | China to Europe: Meet with the Dalai Lama, we skip your summit on the world economy.

Pomfret's China

Hax-Philes: Holiday Wishes Best Not to Voice

Holiday Guide

Creature Comforts

Pets | Treat your furry friend to one of these nine gift ideas.
Automakers Seek More Than $34B to Stay Afloat

Executives acknowledge past mistakes in business models but warn of devastating consequences if any of the companies are allowed to collapse.

William Branigin and Lori Montgomery

AT&T, DuPont Slashing Jobs

Credit Suisse also among firms announcing thousands of layoffs; initial jobless claims dip.

Howard Schneider and Neil Irwin

Happiness Spreads Like the Flu

Study finds the emotion is contagious, moving through clusters of people in same way as illness.

Rob Stein

Obama and Cult of Competency

The Fix | Obama is using transition to emphasize how administration will be different from Bush's.

Chris Cillizza

Zimbabwe Declares Emergency

Government seeks more international help to pay for food and drugs to combat cholera epidemic.

Karin Brulliard

Colombia Reels From Scandal

Collapse of nationwide pyramid schemes shakes economy and damages President Uribe's standing.

Juan Forero

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Post columnist David Broder takes questions about the world of politics, from the Obama transition to the contested Minnesota Senate race to developments in the White House.
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Friday's Sessions
Politics: Michael A. Fletcher, 11
Autos: Warren Brown, 11
Politics: David Broder, 12
Advice: Carolyn Hax, 12
Metro: John Kelly, 12
Movies: Ann Hornaday, 12:30
Real Estate: Haggerty & Razzi, 1
TV: Lisa de Moraes, 1
Wizards/NBA: Carter & Lee, 2
Sports: Thomas Boswell, 3

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Eye on Entertainment

Get up close and personal with Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes, Kristen Stewart and more celebrities.

Building Better Businesses

Get leadership advice about management strategy and how to make your company succeed from CEOs of corporations and industry experts.

Voices On
Voices on Green

Environmentalists sound off on their ideas for alternative energy and how to go green.

Left of Boom

A look at the U.S. struggle to defeat improvised explosive devices used by insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Cheney Vice Presidency

Series examines Cheney's largely hidden and little-understood role in crafting policies for War on Terror, economy and the environment.

Sudan: A Country in Crisis

Interactive report examines Darfur, where conflict has left 450,000 people dead and 2.5 million displaced.

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