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Testing GPS tracking utilities for the BBerry Bold. is really coo, testing tomorrow. This will be awesome for Ironman
installing oh-day OS warez on my blackberry.
@boomengine good luck on the meeting, get that money!
@boomengine Cant sleep when the ideas are flowing. But this horrible movie might throw me into bed.
@boomengine Here are the first 2 videos I did demo'ing @ tweetup : and
Watching Dead Calm @ 3am. Why?
@boomengine You must kill your iPhone battery with the amount of Qik videos you make!
@boomengine To clarify, Windows Mobile! Never had the Nokia ver which was out well in advance.
@1938media how do we know this isnt the bot stating this as well? i feel so cheated...
@funkatron that would require @spooons actually paying his insurance bill ;-)
@ZappoMan Dinner looks great!
@bdthomas neat photo, really like the effect from the lights on the tree
@spooons You did WHAT?! Are you INSANE?! You cant run to the bathroom let alone a 5K! I hope u are ok!
facebook is enabling HD video? wuuuuuuuuuuuuuut
@earwood was outside at a function tonight for 45 minutes, 22 degrees. hope you are staying warm todd!
@jasoncalacanis sure is blogging a lot for stopping blogging! ;-)
Freezing my butt off at light up lagrange
@boomengine Thx for the time this afternoon, great to meet you and your team, and hear about deanalert and boomengine. good stuff!
Funny shit in the @boomengine office right now.
@M4rx15t you are correct! its why i got the bold.


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