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TITLE: Web 2.0 Mashups: Making the Web Your Own
SPEAKER: Raymond Yee
EVENT DATE: 05/30/2008
RUNNING TIME: 80 minutes
The Web contains thousands of mashups that recombine everything -- including Google Maps, Flickr, Amazon.com, NASA, the New York Times, and Wikipedia -- with useful information about travel, finance, real estate, and more. By fusing elements from multiple web sites, mashups are often informative, useful, fun, and even transformative. Dr. Yee's presentation shows you how to create and apply mashups to make sense of the web, especially in the context of libraries.
Speaker Biography: Raymond Yee is a data architect, consultant, and trainer. He is currently a lecturer at the School of Information, UC Berkeley, where he teaches the course 'Mixing and Remixing Information.' While earning a PhD in biophysics, he taught computer science, philosophy, and personal development to K-11 students in the Academic Talent Development Program on the Berkeley campus. He is the primary architect of the Scholar's Box, software that enables users to gather digital content from multiple sources to create personal collections that can be shared with others. As a software architect and developer, he focuses on developing software to support learning, teaching, scholarship, and research. He is the author of the recently published book Pro Web 2.0 Mashups: Remixing Data and Web Services.
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