Title 7--Agriculture



TEXT PDF981.1 Secretary.
TEXT PDF981.2 Act.
TEXT PDF981.3 Person.
TEXT PDF981.4 Almonds.
TEXT PDF981.5 Unshelled almonds.
TEXT PDF981.6 Shelled almonds.
TEXT PDF981.7 Edible kernel.
TEXT PDF981.8 Inedible kernel.
TEXT PDF981.9 Kernel weight.
TEXT PDF981.10 Almonds received for his own account.
TEXT PDF981.11 Area of production.
TEXT PDF981.12 Grower.
TEXT PDF981.13 Handler.
TEXT PDF981.14 Cooperative handler.
TEXT PDF981.15 Almond product.
TEXT PDF981.16 To handle.
TEXT PDF981.17 Inspection agency.
TEXT PDF981.18 Settlement weight.
TEXT PDF981.19 Crop year.
TEXT PDF981.20 Handler carryover.
TEXT PDF981.21 Trade demand.
TEXT PDF981.21a Salable almonds.
TEXT PDF981.21b Reserve almonds.
TEXT PDF981.22 Board.
TEXT PDF981.23 Part and subpart.
TEXT PDF981.30 Establishment.
TEXT PDF981.31 Membership representation.
TEXT PDF981.32 Nominations.
TEXT PDF981.33 Selection and term of office.
TEXT PDF981.34 Qualification and acceptance.
TEXT PDF981.35 Alternates.
TEXT PDF981.36 Vacancy.
TEXT PDF981.37 Expenses.
TEXT PDF981.38 Powers.
TEXT PDF981.39 Duties.
TEXT PDF981.40 Procedure.
TEXT PDF981.41 Research and development.
TEXT PDF981.42 Quality control.
TEXT PDF981.45 General.
TEXT PDF981.46 Withholding reserve.
TEXT PDF981.47 Method of establishing salable and reserve percentages.
TEXT PDF981.48 Increase of salable percentage.
TEXT PDF981.49 Board estimates and recommendations.
TEXT PDF981.50 Reserve obligation.
TEXT PDF981.51 Requirements for reserve.
TEXT PDF981.52 Holding requirement and delivery.
TEXT PDF981.54 Payment to handlers for services rendered.
TEXT PDF981.55 Interhandler transfers.
TEXT PDF981.56 Assistance of Board in accounting for reserve.
TEXT PDF981.57 Application of salable and reserve percentages after end of crop year.
TEXT PDF981.59 Adjustment upon increase of salable percentage.
TEXT PDF981.60 Determination of kernel weight.
TEXT PDF981.61 Redetermination of kernel weight.
TEXT PDF981.65 Prohibition on the use or disposition of reserve almonds.
TEXT PDF981.66 Conditions governing disposition of reserve.
TEXT PDF981.67 Disposition by handler.
TEXT PDF981.70 Records and verification.
TEXT PDF981.71 Record of receipts.
TEXT PDF981.72 Reports of receipts.
TEXT PDF981.73 Periodic reports.
TEXT PDF981.74 Other reports.
TEXT PDF981.75 Confidential nature of records and reports.
TEXT PDF981.76 Handler list of growers.
TEXT PDF981.80 Expenses.
TEXT PDF981.81 Assessment.
TEXT PDF981.85 Personal liability.
TEXT PDF981.86 Separability.
TEXT PDF981.87 Derogation.
TEXT PDF981.88 Duration of immunities.
TEXT PDF981.89 Agents.
TEXT PDF981.90 Effective time, suspension, or termination.
TEXT PDF981.91 Effect of termination or amendment.
TEXT PDF981.92 Amendments.
TEXT PDF981.343 Assessment rate.
TEXT PDF981.401 Adjusted kernel weight.
TEXT PDF981.408 Inedible kernel.
TEXT PDF981.413 Roadside stand exemption.
TEXT PDF981.441 Credit for market promotion activities, including paid advertising.
TEXT PDF981.442 Quality control.
TEXT PDF981.450 Exempt dispositions.
TEXT PDF981.455 Interhandler transfers.
TEXT PDF981.466 Almond butter.
TEXT PDF981.467 Disposition in reserve outlets by handlers.
TEXT PDF981.472 Report of almonds received.
TEXT PDF981.473 Redetermination reports.
TEXT PDF981.474 Other reports.
TEXT PDF981.481 Interest and late payment charges.

