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Emergency Response Publications

These U.S. Government publications can help you prepare for emergencies.

First Response

Terrorist Bomb Threat Stand-Off (Card) (Package of 10)

Publisher: Federal Emergency Management Agency and Defense Dept., Technical Support Working Group (TSWG)

Description: The BTSC is a two-sided, four-color, laminated 3x5 card with a pictorial representation of eight bomb threats and associated explosives capacities, building, and outdoor evacuation distances. The purpose/use of the card is to make this information readily available to any first responder who may encounter a terrorist threat incident. It should be placed in patrol cars, fire trucks, and other emergency vehicles as well with other emergency reference materials. Sold in packages of 5 copies only.

Year/Pages: 1999: Laminated card; ill.

Price: $4.00

Emergency Response to Hazardous Material Incidents

Publisher: Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response

Description: 9285.9-24A. EPA/540/R-95/143. PB96-963208. Issued in looseleaf form. Provides emergency response personnel, primarily firefighters, police officers, and emergency medical services personnel, with the information and skills needed to recognize, evaluate, and control an incident involving the release or potential release of hazardous materials. Intended for members of hazardous materials response teams. Item 0431-I-01.

Year/Pages: 1999: 774 p.; ill.

Price: $18.00

Emergency Response to Terrorism Aid: Job Aid

Publisher: Federal Emergency Management Agency, United States Fire Administration, National Fire Academy, and Justice Dept., Office of Justice Programs

Description: Edition 2.0. Identifies strategic and tactical considerations that should be assessed within the first hour of a terrorist incident.

Year/Pages: 2003: 74 p. and 7 index dividers.

Price: $13.00 Add To Cart

Vehicle Inspection Checklist (Package of 10) (TSWG Restricted Controlled Item)

Publisher: Defense Dept., Technical Support Working Group, Combating Terrorism Technology Support Office


Year/Pages: 2000: 128 p.; ill.

Price: $145.00 This is a controlled item. To order, please send an e-mail request to the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) at PUBS@TSWG.GOV and provide the publication title, quantity, contact and organization name, mailing address and phone number. Security contractors must provide the name of the sponsoring Government agency and its contact information. TSWG will approve your order via e-mail and furnish an approval number. You may then place your order, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, to GPO via fax. Our fax number is 202-512-2104. Thank you.

Damage and Injury Distance Card Set, October 2000 (Spiral bound) (Packages of 5) Controlled Item)

Publisher: Defense Dept., Technical Support Working Group, Combating Terrorism Technology Support Office, Naval Facilities Engineering Command

Description: This publication was developed to aid security professionals in quickly estimating the effects of a bomb on a structure and personnel within the structure. It consists of a set of cards illustrating damage and injury predictions for various types of explosive devices and charge weights. It predicts resulting effects for wooden structures, unreinforced masonry, reinforced masonry, reinforced concrete, steel frame and masonry, steel prefabricated, and glass and steel frame buildings. It includes a chart on window breakage effects, and points of contact for structural hardening experts in seven Federal agencies. Sold in packages of 5 copies only.

Year/Pages: 2000: 16 p.; ill.

Price: $51.00 This is a controlled item. To order, please send an e-mail request to the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) at PUBS@TSWG.GOV and provide the publication title, quantity, contact and organization name, mailing address and phone number. Security contractors must provide the name of the sponsoring Government agency and its contact information. TSWG will approve your order via e-mail and furnish an approval number. You may then place your order, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, to GPO via fax. Our fax number is 202-512-2104. Thank you.

Small Watercraft Inspection Guide (SWIG) (Controlled Item/Restricted Item)

Publisher: Defense Dept., Technical Support Working Group, Combating Terrorism Technology Support Office

Description: The SWIG is a guide for determining various indicators of suspect hidden Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) on a range of vessel types, recognition of typical representative IED types, and has a training section for recognition of explosives and IED types. It is printed on waterproof paper, spiral-bound, and suitable for field use.

Year/Pages: 2002: 89 p.; ill.

Price: $9.00 This is a controlled item. To order, please send an e-mail request to the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) at PUBS@TSWG.GOV and provide the publication title, quantity, contact and organization name, mailing address and phone number. Security contractors must provide the name of the sponsoring Government agency and its contact information. TSWG will approve your order via e-mail and furnish an approval number. You may then place your order, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, to GPO via fax. Our fax number is 202-512-2104. Thank you.

Training Support Package: Small Watercraft Inspection Guide, First Edition, March 18, 2003 (Controlled Item/Restricted Item)

Publisher: Defense Dept., Technical Support Working Group, Combating Terrorism Technology Support Office

Description: The SWIG TSP consists of a three-ring binder containing printed instructor guidance, a student manual, and PowerPoint slides for instructional use.. Included with the shrink- wrapped binder are two VHS Video Tapes, one containing Train the Trainer Video, and the other containing classroom support video clips and the final exam. Also included in the package is a CD-ROM with Train the Trainer Video clips and the printable documentation, PowerPoint presentations, and Classroom Video Clips.

Year/Pages: 2003: 184 p. and 7 index dividers, CD-ROM, and 2 videotapes.

Price: $105.00 This is a controlled item. To order, please send an e-mail request to the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) at PUBS@TSWG.GOV and provide the publication title, quantity, contact and organization name, mailing address and phone number. Security contractors must provide the name of the sponsoring Government agency and its contact information. TSWG will approve your order via e-mail and furnish an approval number. You may then place your order, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, to GPO via fax. Our fax number is 202-512-2104. Thank you.

WinDAS Window Design and Analysis Software, Version 2.5 HAZL Window Fragment Hazard Level Analysis, Version 1.1, August 2001 (CD-ROM) (Controlled/Restricted Item)

Publisher: Defense Dept., Army, Corps of Engineers and Interagency Technical Support Working Croup

Description: WINDAS is a database query program for the existing data on glass response to blast loads. In addition, WINDAS contains a graphical British Hazard Guide calculator for predicting window debris hazard levels to personnel from blast events. HAZL is a robust model for calculating window response and personnel hazard. It uses a Single Degree of Freedom model for window response up to failure and a debris transport model for predicting fragment trajectory. WINDAS and HAZL are available on one CD-ROM.

Year/Pages: 2001: CD-ROM in plastic case.

Price: $21.00 This is a controlled item. To order, please send an e-mail request to the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) at PUBS@TSWG.GOV and provide the publication title, quantity, contact and organization name, mailing address and phone number. Security contractors must provide the name of the sponsoring Government agency and its contact information. TSWG will approve your order via e-mail and furnish an approval number. You may then place your order, accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, to GPO via fax. Our fax number is 202-512-2104. Thank you.

Travel Emergencies

Airworthiness Inspector's Handbook, Ch. 15, October 30, 2002

Publisher: Transportation Dept., Federal Aviation Administration

Description: FAA Order 8300.10. Issued in looseleaf form.

Year/Pages: 2002: 216 p.; looseleaf.

Price: $13.00

Personal Security for the American Business Traveler Overseas

Publisher: State Dept., Overseas Security Advisory Council

Description: State Department Publication 10303. Quick Security Guidelines. Publication measures 9 x 4 in. Provides specific security guidelines for Americans who travel abroad on business.

Year/Pages: 1996: 20 p.; ill.

Price: $0.90 Add To Cart

Safe Trip Abroad, 2002

Publisher: State Dept., Bureau of Consular Affairs

Description: State Department Publication 10942. Publication measures 9 x 4 in. Provides international travelers with information they should know before leaving. Includes sections entitled: Before you go; Things to Arrange Before you go; Precautions to Take While Traveling; Assistance Abroad; and Planning Another Trip.

Year/Pages: 2002: 20 p.

Price: $2.00

Tips for Women Traveling Alone, 2002

Publisher: State Dept., Bureau of Consular Affairs

Description: State Department Publication 10867. Publication measures 9 x 4 in. Provides general information for women who plan to travel abroad alone.

Year/Pages: 2002: 6 p.; ill.

Price: $1.00

Medical Emergencies

EMS: Emergency Medical Services, Agenda for the Future, Implementation Guide

Publisher: Transportation Dept., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Description: DOT HS 808 711, May 1999. Examines emergency medical services (EMS) in the United States over the last three decades. Proposes integration of EMS with other health care providers and public health and safety agencies to provide community based health management systems. Also known as: EMS Agenda for the Future. Item 982-D-03.

Year/Pages: 1999: 118 p.

Price: $6.00

Emergency Medical Technician: Basic Refresher Curriculum, Instructor Course Guide

Publisher: Transportation Dept., National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; Health and Human Services Dept., Public Health Service, Health Resources & Services Administration, Maternal & Child Health Bureau

Description: DOT HS 808 624, September 1997. Issued in looseleaf form with spine label. Spine title reads: Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Resource Catalog, 1996. On cover: Emergency Medical Services (EMS). Provides a course guide for the basic EMT refresher training program. Contains modules on: Preparatory; Airway; Patient Assessment; Medical/Behavioral; Trauma; and Obstetrics, Infants, and Children.

Year/Pages: 1997: 158 p.; looseleaf.

Price: $21.00

Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook

Publisher: Defense Dept., Army, Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Operational Medicine Division

Description: 4th Edition. Edited by Mark Kortepeter. Supplies basic summary and treatment information quickly for the health care provider on the front lines. Provides concise supplemental reading material to assist in education of biological casualty management. Edge indexed.

Year/Pages: 2001: 268 p.

Price: $8.00 Add To Cart

NIOSH DOD-OSHA Sponsored Chemical and Biological Respiratory Protection Workshop Report

Publisher: Health and Human Services Dept., Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Description: DHHS NIOSH Publication 2000-122. Contains information from the Chemical and Biological Respiratory Protection Workshop, Morgantown, West Virginia. Addresses four main topics: health hazards, user needs, respirator certification standards, and issues of public health.

Year/Pages: 2000: 80 p.

Price: $10.00

Emergency Guidelines and Training

Law Enforcement in a New Century and a Changing World: Improving the Administration of Federal Law Enforcement, Report of the Commission on the Advancement of Federal Law Enforcement

Publisher: Commission on the Advancement of Federal Law Enforcement

Description: Examines challenges to efforts to maintain and improve the Federal law enforcement system. Covers: coordination; terrorism; globalization of crime; federalization of crime; and professionalism, integrity, and accountability. Item 1089.

Year/Pages: 2000: 193 p.

Price: $23.00 Add To Cart

Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction

Publisher: Federal Emergency Management Agency

Description: FEMA 421, 12/98. PAS Report No. 483/484. By Jim Schwab, et al. Prepared by Federal Emergency Management Agency and Planning Advisory Service, American Planning Association. Helps community leaders and planners educate their constituents on how informed decisions and choices can affect the rebuilding process and yield a safer, more sustainable community. Previously listed incorrectly under ISBN 0-16-067619-3.

Year/Pages: 1998: 348 p.; ill.

Price: $47.00

Science of Fingerprints: Classification and Uses

Publisher: Justice Dept., Federal Bureau of Investigation

Description: Publication is intended for law enforcement officers and agencies to serve as a general reference on classification and fingerprint identification. Item 721.

Year/Pages: 1984: 217 p.; ill. revised ed. 2006-repr.

Price: $22.00 Add To Cart


Air Traffic Control Handbook, Order 7110.65S

Publisher: Transportation Dept., Federal Aviation Administration, Air Traffic Operations Program

Description: FAA Handbook 7110.65S. Revised February 14, 2008. Looseleaf for updating. Subscription service includes basic manual and quarterly changes for an indeterminate period. Back issues will be furnished but single copies will not be sold. Formerly issued as Enroute Air Traffic Control, TD 4.308:En 1, Terminal Air Traffic Control, TD 4.308:T 27. This handbook prescribes air traffic control procedures and phraseology for use by personnel providing air traffic control services. ATCH. File Code 1F. Item 431-D-1. Est. Delivery Date 1/31/2008.

Price: $116.00 Add To Cart

Approach: The Navy & Marine Corps Aviation Safety Magazine

Publisher: Defense Dept., Navy, Naval Safety Center

Description: NVAIR 00-75-510. Bimonthly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 6 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $5.00; foreign single copy, $7.00. Contains stories, editorials, and accurate information currently available on the subject of aviation accident prevention. ANAR. File Code 2M. ISSN 9570-4979. Item 374-A.

Price: $29.00 Add To Cart

Fire Management Today

Publisher: Agriculture Dept., Forest Service

Description: Quarterly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the issue current when the order is processed. Copies of the latest 2 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $7,50; foreign single copy, $10.50. Consists of articles written by foresters dealing with methods, plans and equipment found useful in preventing or fighting forest fires. Title formerly: Fire Control Notes. FCN. File Code 2Q.Item 82.

Price: $24.00 Add To Cart

Flying Safety

Publisher: Defense Dept., Air Force

Description: AFRP 91-1. 12 issues per year with January/February a combined issue. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 6 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $4.50; foreign single copy, $6.30. Published by the United States Air Force in the interest of safer flying. The articles cover many fields of flight, aircraft engineering, training, and safety measures in the air and on the ground. Title formerly: Aerospace Safety. AES. File Code 2M.

Price: $50.00 Add To Cart

Journal of Special Operations Medicine: A Peer Reviewed Journal for SOF Medical Professionals

Publisher: Defense Dept., Special Operations Command

Description: Quarterly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription begins with the issue current when the order is processed. New GPO subscription to begin with Winter 2003 edition, V. 3. Single copy, $12.00; foreign single copy, $16.80. Copies of 2 back issues will be retained in stock for individual purchase. JSOM. File Code 2Q.

Price: $30.00 Add To Cart

NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 4th Edition, August 1994, V. 1, 2, and 3

Publisher: Health and Human Services Dept., Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Physical Sciences and Engineering

Description: DHHS Publication NIOSH 94-113. Consolidated reprint incorporating Changes 1-4. Looseleaf for updating. Subscription service consists of the basic manual, V. 1-3, and yearly supplements for an indeterminate period. Presents information on air and biological methods which have been evaluated by NIOSH. Intended to promote accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in analyses while preserving practicability. Additions to the fourth edition are: method classification, estimate of accuracy, RTECS numbers, and a method finder. NMAM. File Code 1D. Single copies will not be sold.

Price: $64.00 Add To Cart

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