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celebrating in the streets! where does the SF crowd go now?
looking for moose drool.
re:CAHSR "When they built the shinkansen in Japan they didn't ask anybody what their opinion on it was. They just built the goddamn thing."
People watching in San Diego airport, listening to jack's mannequin's new album, waiting for my delayed flight.
Help! I'm stuck in a food desert and I can't get out!
@NadjaB thanks! A glimmer of hope in an economy of despair...
@AronKirschner what's so great about Mumbai? I'm going there in November...
@MixttDee ooo sounds exclusive. Where is it?
What the heck! Too many people at the sentinel. Fake foodies, go home.
Siamo tutti in giro insieme...
@NadjaB $200 million?! What the heck are they going to do with all that? It's crazy, I tell you.
@MixttDee ummm... 2% milk IS lowfat. You should try claravale raw from their jersey cows... Heaven!
"boredom is the universe telling you something needs to change" - Khoi
#sfn08 non-uniformity equal to killing someone? According to US lobbyists writing Indian food laws, an heirloom tomato carries the same fine
#sfn08 "there's nothing natural about drinking carbonated, caffeinated piss!" -raj patel, on Red Bull
#sfn08 will Americans buy good, clean and fair food if it's not fast, easy and cheap?
#sfn08 400,000 farmers produce 94% of food in USA.
#sfn08 food citizen instead of co-producer? Every part of the food chain in cooperation instead of competition, for food citizen's benefit.


noah Kevin S. Jake Dave Ara Tommy Leep Tristan Harris silvia4 Aron Kirschner David Lipa Anuraag cpedregal tam vo NadjaB cturitzin jrfalla Diana Agraz joncasto kimenf Chris Kanand SlowFoodNation ljmecca eleanor_morgan camjewell fitzjohn kurt schwarz Chava On The Bus